🔑de·pendBrE/dɪˈpend/NAmE/dɪˈpend/verbpresent simple - I / you / we / theydependBrE/dɪˈpend/NAmE/dɪˈpend/present simple - he / she / itdependsBrE/dɪˈpendz/NAmE/dɪˈpendz/past simpledependedBrE/dɪˈpendɪd/NAmE/dɪˈpendɪd/past participledependedBrE/dɪˈpendɪd/NAmE/dɪˈpendɪd/ -ing formdependingBrE/dɪˈpendɪŋ/NAmE/dɪˈpendɪŋ/●deˈpendingon🔑accordingto视乎;决定于◆Startingsalaryvariesfrom£26 000to£30 500, dependingonexperience. 起薪为 26 000 至 30 500 英镑不等,依个人经验而定。◆Heeitherresignedorwassacked, dependingonwhoyoutalkto. 他或是辞职了,或是被辞退了,这要看你跟谁讲了。●thatdeˈpends🔑●it (all) deˈpends🔑usedtosaythatyouarenotcertainaboutsthbecauseotherthingshavetobeconsidered那得看情况◆'Ishecoming?''Thatdepends. Hemaynothavethetime.'“他来吗?” “那要看情况。他不一定有时间。”◆Idon'tknowifwecanhelp—italldepends. 我不知道我们能不能帮上忙,一切都得看情况而定。◆Imightnotgo. ItdependshowtiredIam. 我不一定去。这要看我累不累。◆'Yourjobsoundsfun.''Itdependswhatyoumeanby'fun'.'“你的工作听起来很有乐趣。” “这就要看你说的 '乐趣' 是什么意思了。”◆Ishouldn'tbetoolate. Butitdependsifthetraffic'sbad. 我应该不会太迟。不过这取决于交通是否拥挤了。●deˈpendon/uponsb/sth🔑torelyonsb/sthandbeabletotrustthem依靠;信赖◆Hewasthesortofpersonyoucoulddependon. 他这个人你是可以信赖的。◆dependon/uponsb/sthtodosthHeknewhecoulddependuponhertodealwiththesituation. 他知道可以依靠她来应付这种局面。trustdepend on sb/sth ⬥ rely on sb/sth ⬥ count on sb/sth ⬥ believe in sb
These words all mean to believe that sb/sth will do what you hope or expect of them or that what they tell you is correct or true.以上各词均含相信、信任、信赖之义。
trust to believe that sb is good, honest, sincere, etc. and that they will do what you expect of them or do the right thing; to believe that sth is true or correct指相信、信任、信赖:◆You can trust me not to tell anyone.你可以相信我不会跟任何人讲。◆Don't trust what you read in the newspapers!别相信你在报纸上读到的!
depend on/upon sb/sth (often used with can/cannot/could/could not) to trust sb/sth to do what you expect or want, to do the right thing, or to be true or correct(常与 can/cannot/could/could not 连用)指相信、信赖、指望:◆He was the sort of person you could depend on.他是你可以信赖的人。◆Can you depend on her version of what happened?你相信她对所发生事情的描述吗?
rely on/upon sb/sth (used especially with can/cannot/could/could not and should/should not) to trust sb/sth to do what you expect or want, or to be honest, correct or good enough(尤与 can/cannot/could/could not 和 should/should not 连用)指信任、信赖:◆Can I rely on you to keep this secret?我能相信你会保守这个秘密吗?◆You can't rely on any figures you get from them.你不能相信从他们那儿得到的任何数据。
You can trust a person but not a thing or system. You can trust sb's judgement or advice, but not their support. You can depend on sb's support, but not their judgement or advice. Rely on/upon sb/sth is used especially with you can/could or you should to give advice or a promise. * trust 的宾语可以是人,但不能是物或制度;trust 后还可接 sb's judgement 或 advice,但不能接 sb's support;depend on 后可跟 sb's support,但不能跟 sb's judgement 或 advice;rely on/upon sb/sth 尤与 you can/could 或 you should 连用,以给予建议或承诺:◆I don't really rely on his judgement.◆You can't really rely on his judgement.你不能真的相信他的判断。
count on sb/sth (often used with can/cannot/could/could not) to be sure that sb will do what you need them to do, or that sth will happen as you want it to happen(常与 can/cannot/could/could not 连用)指可信赖、依靠、指望(某人做某事)、确信(某事会发生):◆I'm counting on you to help me.我就靠你帮我啦。◆We can't count on the good weather lasting.我们不能指望这样好的天气会持久。
believe in sb to feel that you can trust sb and/or that they will be successful指信赖、信任、相信某人会成功:◆They need a leader they can believe in.他们需要一个可以信赖的领导。
to trust/depend on/rely on/count on sb/sth to do sth
to trust/believe in sb/sth
to trust/rely on sb's advice/judgement
to depend on/rely on/count on sb's support
to completely trust/depend on/rely on/believe in sb/sth
🔑tobesureorexpectthatsthwillhappen确信;相信;指望SYNcount on sb/sth◆Dependuponit(= youcanbesure)wewon'tgiveup. 请相信,我们决不会放弃。◆dependon/uponsb/sthdoingsthCanwedependonyoucominginonSunday? 我们能指望你星期天来参加吗?◆(formal) YoucandependonhiscominginonSunday. 你放心,他星期天一定来参加。dependon/uponsb/sthtodosth◆(ironic) Youcandependonhertobe(= shealwaysis)late. 她保准迟到。●deˈpendon/uponsb/sth (forsth)🔑 () toneedmoney, help, etc. fromsb/sthelseforaparticularpurpose需要,依靠(提供资金、帮助等)◆Thecommunitydependsontheshippingindustryforitssurvival. 这个社区靠航运业维持生活。◆Idon'twanttodependtoomuchonmyparents. 我不想过度依靠父母。●deˈpendon/uponsth🔑 () tobeaffectedordecidedbysth受…的影响;由…决定;取决于◆Doesthequalityofteachingdependonclasssize? 教学质量取决于每个班的人数吗?◆Itwoulddependonthecircumstances. 这要视情况而定。◆dependon/uponhow, what, etc.…Whetherweneedmorefooddependsonhowmanypeopleturnup. 我们是否需要更多的食物,这要视到场人数而定。depend on
In informal English, it is quite common to say depend rather than depend on before words like what, how or whether.在非正式英语中,在 what、how 或 whether 等词前常用 depend 而非 depend on:◆It depends what you mean by 'hostile'.那得看你所说的 hostile 的含义。 In formal written English, depend should always be followed by on or upon.在正式的书面英语中,depend 后总是跟 on 或 upon:◆It depends on how you define the term 'hostile'.那得看你怎么定义 hostile 这个词。Upon is more formal and less frequent than on. * upon 较正式,不如 on 常用。