

单词 bare
bareBrE /beə(r)/NAmE /ber/ adjective (barer, bar·est) not covered by any clothes 裸体的;裸露的She likes to walk around in bare feet. 她喜欢光着脚走来走去。   see also barefoot (of trees or countryside 树木或村野) not covered with leaves; without plants or trees (树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的the bare branches of winter trees 冬天树木光秃秃的枝桠a bare mountainside 光秃秃的山坡(of surfaces 表面) not covered with or protected by anything 无遮盖的;没有保护的bare wooden floorboards 未铺地毯的木地板Bare wires were sticking out of the cable. 电缆露出了裸线。The walls were bare except for a clock. 墙上除了一只挂钟什么也没有。(of a room, cupboard, etc. 房间、柜子等) empty 空的The fridge was completely bare. 电冰箱里什么也没有。bare shelves 空荡荡的架子 [only before noun] just enough; the most basic or simple 仅够的;最基本的;最简单的The family was short of even the bare necessities of life. 那家人甚至没有最起码的生活所需。We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment. 我们只有最基本的设备。He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam. 他只下了最少的功夫,却仍然通过了考试。She gave me only the bare facts of the case. 她只给我介绍了这个案件的一些基本资料。It was the barest hint of a smile. 那是一个几乎不露一丝痕迹的笑。plainsimplestarkbareunequivocal

These words all describe statements, often about sth unpleasant, that are very clear, not trying to hide anything, and not using more words than necessary. 以上各词常形容令人不快的陈述清楚明白、直截了当、简单明了。

  • plain used for talking about a fact that other people may not like to hear; honest and direct in way that other people may not like 用于他人可能不乐意听的事实,或指直率、直接得让人不喜欢The plain fact is that nobody really knows. 事实很明显,没有人真正了解。
  • simple [only before noun] used for talking about a fact that other people may not like to hear; very obvious and not complicated by anything else 用于他人可能不乐意听的事实,或指事物简单明了The simple truth is that we just can't afford it. 事实很简单,我们就是付不起。

plain or simple? 用 plain 还是 simple?

When it is being used to emphasize facts that other people may not like to hear, plain is usually used in the expression the plain fact/truth is that… . Simple can be used in this way too, but it can also be used in a wider variety of structures and collocations (such as reason and matter). 用以强调他人可能不乐意听的事实时,plain 通常用于 the plain fact/truth is that... 短语中。simple 也可用这种表达方式,但是还可用于更多种类的句型结构,与更多的词语(如 reason 和 matter)搭配The problem was due to the simple fact that… 问题源于这一简单的事实…The problem was due to the plain fact that…for the plain reason that…It's a plain matter of… Expressions with simple often suggest impatience with other people's behaviour. 与 simple 构成的表达法通常暗指对别人的行为不耐烦。

  • stark (rather formal) used for describing an unpleasant fact or difference that is very obvious 用于描述令人不快的事实或区别十分明显、鲜明The stark truth is that there is not enough money left. 明摆着的事实是剩下的钱已经不够了。 NOTE The simple/plain truth may be sth that some people do not want to hear, but it may be good for them to hear it anyway. The stark truth is sth particularly unpleasant and has no good side to it at all. * simple/plain truth 指所谈的事尽管不中听,但听了可能会有好处。stark truth 指所谈之事特别令人不快,而且没有任何好处。
  • bare [only before noun] the most basic or simple, with nothing extra 指最基本的、最简单的She gave me only the bare facts of the case. 她只给我介绍了这个案件的一些基本情况。
  • unequivocal (formal) expressing your opinion or intention very clearly and firmly 指表达明确的、毫不含糊的、斩钉截铁的The reply was an unequivocal 'no'. 回答是个干脆利落的 “不” 字。


  • the plain/simple/stark/bare/unequivocal truth
  • a(n) plain/simple/stark/bare/unequivocal fact/statement
  • a(n) plain/simple/unequivocal answer
bare·ness BrE /ˈbeənəs/NAmE /ˈbernəs/ noun [U] the bare ˈbones (of sth)the basic facts 梗概;概要the bare bones of the story 故事梗概with your bare ˈhandswithout weapons or tools 赤手空拳;徒手He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands. 他赤手空拳就能取人性命。lay sth ˈbare(formal) to show sth that was covered or to make sth known that was secret 暴露;揭露Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare. 他们的私生活全面曝光了。the ˌcupboard is ˈbare(BrE) used to say that there is no money for sth 食橱是空的(指没钱购买)They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare. 他们正在寻求更多的资金,然而根本找不到。 ORIGIN This expression refers to a children's nursery rhyme about Old Mother Hubbard, who had nothing in her cupboard to feed her dog. 源自一首关于老妈哈伯德的儿歌。她的食橱里没有喂狗的东西。
bareBrE /beə(r)/NAmE /ber/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they bare BrE /beə(r)/ NAmE /ber/present simple - he / she / it bares BrE /beəz/ NAmE /berz/past simple bared BrE /beəd/ NAmE /berd/past participle bared BrE /beəd/ NAmE /berd/ -ing form baring BrE /ˈbeərɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈberɪŋ/~ sthto remove the covering from sth, especially from part of the body 揭开;脱(衣服)She was paid several thousand dollars to bare all (= take all her clothes off) for the magazine. 她为那本杂志拍裸照获得数千美元报酬。bare your ˈsoul (to sb)to tell sb your deepest and most private feelings (向某人)打开心扉,倾诉衷肠bare your ˈteethto show your teeth in an aggressive and threatening way (凶狠地)龇牙咧嘴The dog bared its teeth and growled. 那条狗龇牙咧嘴地低吼。
bareBrE /beə(r)/NAmE /ber/ adverb(BrE, slang) very 很;非常The party on Saturday was bare good!星期六的聚会棒极了!




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