

单词 talk
🔑 talkBrE /tɔːk/NAmE /tɔːk/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they talk BrE /tɔːk/ NAmE /tɔːk/present simple - he / she / it talks BrE /tɔːks/ NAmE /tɔːks/past simple talked BrE /tɔːkt/ NAmE /tɔːkt/past participle talked BrE /tɔːkt/ NAmE /tɔːkt/ -ing form talking BrE /ˈtɔːkɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈtɔːkɪŋ/speak to sb 与人说话🔑 [I, T] to say things; to speak in order to give information or to express feelings, ideas, etc. 说话;讲话;谈话Stop talking and listen! 别说话,注意听!We talked on the phone for over an hour. 我们在电话里谈了一个多小时。~ (to/with sb) (about sb/sth) Who were you talking to just now? 你刚才在跟谁说话?We looked around the school and talked with the principal. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now (= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). 安和乔两人现在互不理睬。When they get together, all they talk about is football. 他们在一起时,谈论的都是足球。What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) 你在胡说什么?(对他人所言感到惊奇、不悦或担忧时用)I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). 我不知道你在说什么(表示自己没有做对方指责的事)。~ of sthMary is talking of looking for another job. 玛丽说起要另找一份工作。~ yourself + adj. We talked ourselves hoarse, catching up on all the news. 我们互诉近况,把嗓子都说哑了。

conference, delegate, exhibition, name tag, plenary, register, speaker, talk, venue, workshop

discuss 讨论🔑 [I, T] to discuss sth, usually sth serious or important 讨论,谈论,商谈,洽谈(通常指重大的事)This situation can't go on. We need to talk. 这种情况不能再继续下去了。我们需要谈一谈。The two sides in the dispute say they are ready to talk. 争执双方说他们愿意商谈。~ (to/with sb) (about sth) Talk to your doctor if you're still worried. 如果你仍然不放心,就找医生谈一谈。~ sthto talk business 谈正事talkdiscussspeakcommunicatedebateconsult

These words all mean to share news, information, ideas or feelings with another person or other people, especially by talking with them. 以上各词均含交流、交谈之义。

  • talk to speak in order to give information, express feelings or share ideas 指说话、讲话、谈话We talked on the phone for over an hour. 我们在电话里谈了一个多小时。
  • discuss (rather formal) to talk and share ideas on a subject or problem with other people, especially in order to decide sth 指谈论、讨论、商量Have you discussed the problem with anyone? 你与谁商量过这个问题吗? NOTE You cannot say 'discuss about sth'. 不能说 discuss about sthI'm not prepared to discuss about this on the phone.
  • speak to talk to sb about sth; to have a conversation with sb 指谈话、交谈I've spoken to the manager about it. 那件事我已经和经理谈过了。'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.'(= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) “请问苏珊在吗?” “我就是。”

talk or speak? 用 talk 还是 speak?

Speak can suggest a more formal level of communication than talk. You speak to sb about sth to try to achieve a particular goal or to tell them to do sth. You talk to sb in order to be friendly or to ask their advice. 与 talk 比较,speak 所指的交谈可能更正式。与某人交谈试图达到某一目的或让对方做某事用 speak,为表示友好或询问建议用 talkHave you talked to your parents about the problems you're having? 你同你父母谈过你的问题吗?I've spoken to Ed about it and he's promised not to let it happen again. 我已经同埃德谈过了,他答应不让这种事情再次发生。

  • communicate (rather formal) to exchange information or ideas with sb 指与某人交流信息或意见We only communicate by email. 我们只通过电子邮件进行交流。Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other. 海豚用声音相互沟通。 NOTE Communicate is often used when the speaker wants to draw attention to the means of communication used. 说话者要让人注意交流的方式时常用 communicate。
  • debate to discuss sth, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution (尤指正式)讨论、辩论Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 政界将在本周晚些时候讨论这项议案。
  • consult (rather formal) to discuss sth with sb in order to get their permission for sth, or to help you make a decision 指(与某人)商议、商量(以得到许可或帮助决策)You shouldn't have done it without consulting me. 你不该不和我商量就做。


  • to talk/discuss sth/speak/communicate/debate/consult with sb
  • to talk/speak to sb
  • to talk/speak to sb/consult sb about sth
  • to talk/speak of sth
say words 说话🔑 [I, T] to say words in a language (用某种语言)讲,说The baby is just starting to talk. 这婴儿刚开始咿呀学语。~ in sthWe couldn't understand them because they were talking in Chinese. 我们听不懂他们在讲些什么,因为他们说的是中国话。~ sthAre they talking Swedish or Danish? 他们说的是瑞典语还是丹麦语?sense/nonsense 有理;无理 [T] ~ sthto say things that are/are not sensible 说,讲(有理、无理的话)She talks a lot of sense. 她讲得很在理。(BrE) You're talking rubbish! 你胡说八道!See if you can talk some sense into him (= persuade him to be sensible). 看你能否给他讲通道理。for emphasis 加强语气 [T] be talking sth (informal) used to emphasize an amount of money, how serious sth is, etc. (用以强调款额、情况严重程度等)讲的是,指的是We're talking £500 for three hours' work. 咱们讲的可是工作三个小时酬金 500 英镑。about private life 私生活 [I] to talk about a person's private life 说闲话;讲人坏话;嚼舌头 SYN gossip Don't phone me at work people will talk. 别在上班时给我打电话,人家会说闲话的。give information 提供信息 [I] to give information to sb, especially unwillingly 供出消息;供认;招认The police questioned him but he refused to talk. 警察审问他,但他拒不招供。look who's ˈtalkingˈyou can/can't talkyou're a ˈfine one to talk(informal) used to tell sb that they should not criticize sb else for sth because they do the same things too (用以表示自己同样不对时不要批评别人)还有脸说别人'George is so careless with money.' 'Look who's talking!' “乔治真是乱花钱。” “亏你还有脸说别人!”now you're ˈtalking(informal) used when you like what sb has suggested very much (表示赞同对方的话)你这算说对了,你所言正合我意ˈtalk about…(informal) used to emphasize sth (用以强调)这才叫,真是…不得了Talk about mean! She didn't even buy me a card. 这才叫吝啬呢!她连张贺卡都没给我买。talk ˈdirty(informal) to talk to sb about sex in order to make them sexually excited 说下流话talk a good ˈgame(NAmE) to talk in a way that sounds convincing, but may not be sincere 说得好听;说得天花乱坠talk the hind leg off a ˈdonkey(informal) to talk too much, especially about boring or unimportant things 唠叨个没完没了;喋喋不休talking of sb/sth(informal, especially BrE) used when you are going to say more about a subject that has already been mentioned (继续谈论时用)提起,说起,谈及,至于Talking of Sue, I met her new boyfriend last week. 谈到休,上星期我遇到了她的新男友。talk ˈshop(usually disapproving) to talk about your work with the people you work with, especially when you are also with other people who are not connected with or interested in it 说行话;三句话不离本行(尤指当着外行的面)ˌtalk the ˈtalk(informal, sometimes disapproving) to be able to talk in a confident way that makes people think you are good at what you do 说得头头是道You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? (= can you act in a way that matches your words?) 你说得头头是道,可你能做到吗?talk through your ˈhat(old-fashioned, informal) to say silly things while you are talking about a subject you do not understand 胡说;信口开河;瞎扯talk ˈtough (on sth)(informal, especially NAmE) to tell people very strongly what you want 强硬地说;强烈地要求talk ˈturkey(informal, especially NAmE) to talk about sth seriously 郑重其事地谈;严肃认真地谈talk your way out of sth/of doing sthto make excuses and give reasons for not doing sth; to manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation 靠能言善辩开脱;以话解围I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech. 我好说歹说总算逃脱了发言的差事。ˈyou can/can't talk(informal) = look who's talking you're a ˈfine one to talk(informal) = look who's talking speak/talk of the ˈdevil(informal) people say speak/talk of the devil when sb they have been talking about appears unexpectedly 说到某人,某人就到Well, speak of the devilhere's Alice now! 嗬,说谁谁到——瞧,艾丽斯这就来啦!know what you're ˈtalking about(informal) to have knowledge about sth from your own experience 亲身经历过;作经验之谈speak/talk the same ˈlanguageto be able to communicate easily with another person because you share similar opinions and experience (因意见和经历相似)能容易地沟通,说得来,有共同语言money ˈtalks(saying) people who have a lot of money have more power and influence than others 财大气就粗;有钱就有势knock/talk some ˈsense into sbto try and persuade sb to stop behaving in a stupid way, sometimes using rough or violent methods 开导某人别干傻事;强使某人理智行事speak/talk ˌout of ˈturnto say sth that you should not because it is the wrong situation or because it offends sb 说话出格(或冒失、鲁莽、不合时宜) ˌtalk aˈround/ˈround sthto talk about sth in a general way without dealing with the most important parts of it 拐弯抹角地说;不着边际地说ˈtalk at sbto speak to sb without listening to what they say in reply (不理会对方反应)对某人大发议论,滔滔不绝地对某人说ˌtalk ˈback (to sb)to answer sb rudely, especially sb in authority (尤指对掌权者)回嘴,顶嘴  related noun back talk ˌtalk sb/sth↔ˈdownto help a pilot of a plane to land by giving instructions from the ground 引导(飞行员)着陆;引降ˌtalk sth↔ˈdownto make sth seem less important or successful than it really is 贬低;贬抑You shouldn't talk down your own achievements. 你不该贬低自己的成绩。ˌtalk ˈdown to sbto speak to sb as if they were less important or intelligent than you 以高人一等的口气说话ˌtalk sb ˈinto/ˈout of sthto persuade sb to do/not to do sth 说服某人做/不做某事I didn't want to move abroad but Bill talked me into it. 我本不想移居国外,但是比尔把我给说服了。talk sb into/out of doing sthShe tried to talk him out of leaving. 她极力劝他不要走。ˌtalk sth↔ˈoutto discuss sth thoroughly in order to make a decision, solve a problem, etc. 把…谈透;协商作出(决定);协商解决(问题)ˌtalk sth↔ˈover (with sb)to discuss sth thoroughly, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision 详细讨论,详谈(以达成协议或作出决定)You'll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend. 把情况和朋友详细聊一聊,你会觉得大有帮助。ˌtalk sb ˈround (to sth)(BrE) to persuade sb to accept sth or agree to sth 说服;劝说某人同意We finally managed to talk them round to our way of thinking. 我们最后总算说服他们接受我们的想法。ˌtalk sb ˈthrough sthto explain to sb how sth works so that they can do it or understand it 给某人解说Can you talk me through the various investment options? 你能给我详述可以选择的各种投资方法吗?ˌtalk sth ↔ˈthroughto discuss sth thoroughly until you are sure you understand it 把某事谈透ˌtalk sb/sth ˈupto describe sb/sth in a way that makes them sound better than they really are 过分夸奖;吹捧
🔑 talkBrE /tɔːk/NAmE /tɔːk/ nounconversation 交谈🔑 [C] ~ (with sb) (about sth) a conversation or discussion 交谈;谈话;讨论;商讨I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. 我和老板就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. 我得推心置腹地和她谈一谈。discussionconversationdialoguetalkdebateconsultationchatgossip

These are all words for an occasion when people talk about sth. 以上各词均表示交谈、谈论。

  • discussion a detailed conversation about sth that is considered to be important 指重要事情的讨论、谈论、商讨Discussions are still taking place between the two leaders. 两位领导人仍在进行讨论。
  • conversation a talk, usually a private or informal one, involving two people or a small group; the activity of talking in this way 通常指私下的或非正式的交谈、谈话a telephone conversation 电话交谈
  • dialogue conversations in a book, play or film 指书、戏剧或电影中的对话、对白The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue. 这部小说描述多,对话少。A dialogue is also a formal discussion between two groups, especially when they are trying to solve a problem or end a dispute. * dialogue 亦指两个团体间为解决问题或结束争端进行的正式对话、讨论、交换意见The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue. 总统告诉等候的记者,刚才进行了一次富有建设性的对话。
  • talk a conversation or discussion, often one about a problem or sth important for the people involved 常指对有关人员就某个问题或重要的事情进行的交谈、谈话、讨论、商讨I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. 我和老板就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。
  • debate a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. In a debate two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue. 指公共集会上或议会里就某问题进行的、常以表决结束的辩论a debate on prison reform 关于监狱制度改革的辩论
  • consultation a formal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about sth 指团体间在决策前进行的咨询、商讨、磋商There have been extensive consultations between the two countries. 两国之间进行了广泛磋商。
  • chat a friendly informal conversation; informal talking 指友好的非正式交谈、聊天 NOTE The countable use of chat is especially British English. * chat 作可数名词尤用于英式英语I just called in for a chat about the kids. 我只是打电话来随便聊聊孩子的事情。
  • gossip a conversation about other people and their private lives 指关于他人及其私生活的闲谈、闲聊、说长道短We had a good gossip about the boss. 我们讲了好一会儿老板的闲话。


  • a discussion/conversation/dialogue/talk/debate/consultation/chat/gossip about sth
  • a discussion/conversation/dialogue/debate/consultation on sth
  • in (close) discussion/conversation/dialogue/debate/consultation with sb
  • to have a discussion/conversation/dialogue/talk/debate/consultation/chat/gossip with sb
  • to hold a discussion/conversation/debate/consultation
formal discussions 正式讨论🔑 talks [pl.] formal discussions between governments or organizations (政府或组织之间正式的)洽谈,会谈,谈判arms/pay/peace, etc. talks 军备、工资、和平等谈判to hold talks 举行会谈~ (between A and B) (on/over sth) Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay. 劳资双方就假日工资的谈判破裂了。A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved. 要解决纠纷,还需再举行一轮谈判。speech 讲话🔑 [C] ~ (on sth) a speech or lecture on a particular subject (专题)报告,演讲She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她作了一次访华报告。speechlectureaddresstalksermon

These are all words for a talk given to an audience. 以上各词均指讲话、发言。

  • speech a formal talk given to an audience 指演说、讲话、发言Several people made speeches at the wedding. 有几个人在婚礼上讲了话。
  • lecture a talk given to a group of people to tell them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course 通常指大学里的讲座、讲课、演讲a lecture on the Roman army 关于罗马军队的讲座a course/series of lectures 讲座课程;系列讲座
  • address a formal speech given to an audience 指演说、演讲a televised presidential address 总统的电视演讲

speech or address? 用 speech 还是 address?

A speech can be given on a public or private occasion; an address is always public. * speech 指公开或私下场合的讲话均可,而 address 总是指公开的演讲He gave an address at the wedding.

  • talk a fairly informal session in which sb tells a group of people about a subject 指相当不正式的报告、演讲She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China. 她做了个关于她在中国访问的有趣报告。
  • sermon a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service 指布道、讲道to preach a sermon 布道


  • a long/short speech/lecture/address/talk/sermon
  • a keynote speech/lecture/address
  • to write/prepare/give/deliver/hear a(n) speech/lecture/address/talk/sermon
  • to attend/go to a lecture/talk
words without actions 空话 [U] (informal) words that are spoken, but without the necessary facts or actions to support them 空话;空谈It's just talk. He'd never carry out his threats. 这只不过是说说而已。他绝不会把他的恫吓付诸行动。Don't pay any attention to hershe's all talk. 别听她的,她光说空话。stories/rumours 传闻;谣言 [U] ~ (of sth/of doing sth) | ~ (that…) stories that suggest a particular thing might happen in the future 传言;谣言;流言蜚语;揣测There was talk in Washington of sending in troops. 华盛顿有派兵的传言。She dismissed the stories of her resignation as newspaper talk. 她不理会有关她辞职的报道,认为那不过是报纸的谣言。topic/way of speaking 话题;说话方式 [U] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a topic of conversation or a way of speaking 话题;说话方式business talk 业务洽谈She said it was just girl talk that a man wouldn't understand. 她说这是女生话题,男人是听不懂的。The book teaches you how to understand Spanish street talk (= slang). 这本书教你如何理解西班牙俚语。It was tough talk, coming from a man who had begun the year in a hospital bed. 这话出自年初住进医院的一位男子之口,语气很强硬。   see also small talk, sweet talk at sweet-talk, trash talk the talk of sththe person or thing that everyone is talking about in a particular place (某地人人谈论的)话题,谈论中心Overnight, she became the talk of the town (= very famous). 一夜之间,她成了街头巷尾谈论的话题。fighting ˈtalkcomments or remarks that show that you are ready to fight very hard for sth 战斗性的言论What we want from the management is fighting talk. 我们要求资方的是发表战斗宣言。




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