

单词 landscape
🔑 land·scapeBrE /ˈlændskeɪp/NAmE /ˈlændskeɪp/ noun🔑 [C, usually sing.] everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country (陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色the bleak/rugged/dramatic, etc. landscape of the area 那个地区荒芜的景观、崎岖的地貌、引人入胜的风光等the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape 具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野an urban/industrial landscape 都市/工业景观(figurative) We can expect changes in the political landscape. 我们等着看政治舞台上的变化吧。

barren, fertile, landscape, lush, mountainous, rolling, rugged, undulate, volcanic, wooded


These are all words for areas away from towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms. 以上各词均指远离城镇,有田野、树林和农场的地区。

  • country (often the country) an area that is away from towns and cities, especially one with particular natural features (常作 the country)尤指具有自然特征的乡下、乡村She lives in the country. 她住在乡下。an area of wooded country 树木覆盖的乡村地区
  • landscape everything that you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country 尤指乡村的风景或景色This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape. 这种林地与田野的格局是典型的英格兰乡村景色。
  • countryside land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms 指乡村、农村 NOTE Countryside is usually used when you are talking about the beauty or peacefulness of a country area. * countryside 通常用于强调乡村地区的美丽或宁静a little village in the French countryside 法国乡间的小村庄
  • terrain (formal) land 指地带、土地 NOTE Terrain is used when you are describing the natural features of an area, for example if it is rough, flat, etc. * terrain 用于描述某地区的地形或地势The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain. 卡车在崎岖不平的地面上颠簸行进。
  • land (usually the land) the countryside; the way people live in the country as opposed to in towns and cities (通常作 the land)指与城镇相对的农村、农村生活方式Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities. 许多较年轻的人陆续离开农村到城市去找工作。
  • scenery the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, especially when these are attractive to look at 指自然风景、景色、风光We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery. 我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。


  • mountainous/mountain/wild/rugged country/landscape/countryside/terrain/scenery
  • beautiful/glorious/dramatic country/landscape/countryside/scenery
  • open country/landscape/countryside/terrain/land
  • rolling country/landscape/countryside
  • to protect the landscape/countryside/land
🔑 [C, U] a painting of a view of the countryside; this style of painting 乡村风景画;乡村风景画的风格an artist famous for his landscapes 以风景画闻名的画家Fine arts 美术

Creating art 艺术创作

  • make a work of art/a drawing/a sketch/a sculpture/a statue/engravings/etchings/prints 创作艺术品;绘画;画素描;创作雕塑/雕像/雕版印刷品/蚀刻画/版画
  • do an oil painting/a self-portrait/a line drawing/a rough sketch 画油画/自画像/线条画/草图
  • create a work of art/an artwork/paintings and sculptures 创作一件艺术品/绘画和雕塑
  • produce paintings/portraits/oil sketches/his most celebrated work/a series of prints 创作绘画/肖像画/油画速写/他最知名的作品/一组版画
  • paint a picture/landscape/portrait/mural/in oils/in watercolours/ (especially US) in watercolors/on canvas 画画/风景画/肖像画/壁画/油画/水彩画;在画布上画
  • draw a picture/a portrait/a cartoon/a sketch/a line/a figure/the human form/in charcoal/in ink 画画/肖像/漫画/素描/线条/形体/人形/木炭画/墨水画
  • sketch a preliminary drawing/a figure/a shape 勾勒草图/形体/图形
  • carve a figure/an image/a sculpture/an altarpiece/reliefs/a block of wood 雕刻形体/形象/雕塑/祭坛雕塑/浮雕/一块木头
  • sculpt a portrait bust/a statue/an abstract figure 雕刻半身像/塑像/抽象形体
  • etch a line/a pattern/a design/a name into the glass 蚀刻线条/图案/图样/名字在玻璃杯上
  • mix colours/ (especially US) colors/pigments/paints 调色;调颜料
  • add/apply thin/thick layers of paint/colour/ (especially US) color/pigment 加上薄薄/厚厚几层颜料
  • use oil pastels/charcoal/acrylic paint/a can of spray paint 使用油画棒/木炭笔/丙烯酸颜料/一罐喷雾颜料
  • work in bronze/ceramics/stone/oils/pastels/watercolour/a wide variety of media 用青铜/陶瓷/石头/油彩/蜡笔/水彩/各种各样的材料制作艺术品

Describing art 描述艺术

  • paint/depict a female figure/a biblical scene/a pastoral landscape/a domestic interior 画/描绘女性形体/与《圣经》有关的场景/田园风光/家庭室内场景
  • depict/illustrate a traditional/mythological/historical/religious theme 描绘/阐释传统的/神话的/历史的/宗教的主题
  • create an abstract composition/a richly textured surface/a distorted perspective 设计抽象的艺术构图/丰富的层次/视觉扭曲效果
  • paint dark/rich/skin/flesh tones 用颜料绘成深色/浓重的颜色/肤色/肉色
  • use broad brush strokes/loose brushwork/vibrant colours/a limited palette/simple geometric forms 用粗笔线条/散漫的笔法/鲜艳的颜色/有限的色调/简单的几何图形
  • develop/adopt/paint in a stylized manner/an abstract style 用非写实手法/抽象方式阐明/采用/描绘

Showing and selling art 艺术品展示及销售

  • commission an altarpiece/a bronze bust of sb/a portrait/a religious work/an artist to paint sth 委托创作一幅祭坛画/一座某人的半身铜像/一幅肖像画/一件宗教艺术品;委托艺术家为某物作画
  • frame a painting/portrait 给一幅画/肖像画镶框
  • hang art/a picture/a painting 悬挂艺术品/图画/画作
  • display/exhibit modern art/sb's work/a collection/original artwork/drawings/sculptures/a piece 陈列/展出现代艺术品/某人的作品/收藏品/艺术真品/图画/雕塑/一件艺术品
  • be displayed/hung in a gallery/museum 在美术馆/博物馆展出
  • install/place a sculpture in/at/on sth 在某处安放一座雕塑
  • erect/unveil a bronze/marble/life-size statue 竖立/揭幕一座铜像/大理石像/与真人一样大的雕像
  • hold/host/mount/open/curate/see an exhibition (especially BrE) / (NAmE usually) an exhibit 举办/主持/筹办/举行/组织/观看展览
  • be/go on (BrE) exhibition/ (NAmE) exhibit 参展
  • feature/promote/showcase a conceptual artist/contemporary works 重点介绍/宣传/展示一位概念派艺术家/当代作品
  • collect African art/modern British paintings/Japanese prints 收藏非洲艺术品/现代英国绘画/日本版画
  • restore/preserve a fresco/great works of art 修复/保护湿壁画/伟大的艺术品
  compare townscape (2)
[U] (specialist) the way of printing a document in which the top of the page is one of the longer sides (文件的)横向打印格式Select the landscape option when printing the file. 打印文件时选择横向打印格式选项。   compare portrait noun a blot on the ˈlandscapean object, especially an ugly building, that spoils the beauty of a place 影响景观的物体(尤指丑陋建筑物)
🔑 land·scapeBrE /ˈlændskeɪp/NAmE /ˈlændskeɪp/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they landscape BrE /ˈlændskeɪp/ NAmE /ˈlændskeɪp/present simple - he / she / it landscapes BrE /ˈlændskeɪps/ NAmE /ˈlændskeɪps/past simple landscaped BrE /ˈlændskeɪpt/ NAmE /ˈlændskeɪpt/past participle landscaped BrE /ˈlændskeɪpt/ NAmE /ˈlændskeɪpt/ -ing form landscaping BrE /ˈlændskeɪpɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈlændskeɪpɪŋ/~ sthto improve the appearance of an area of land by changing the design and planting trees, flowers, etc. 对…做景观美化;给…做园林美化;美化…的环境




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