The opposite of interested is uninterested or not interested. * interested 的反义词为 uninterested 或 not interested:◆He is completely uninterested in politics.他对政治毫无兴趣。◆I am not really interested in politics.我并不真正热衷于政治。
Disinterested means that you can be fair in judging a situation because you do not feel personally involved in it. * disinterested 意为不涉及个人利害关系、公正无私、不偏不倚:◆A solicitor can give you disinterested advice.律师可给你公正的忠告。 However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect.不过,在口语中有时用此词代替 uninterested,但一般认为此用法不正确。
The opposite of interesting can be uninteresting. * interesting 的反义词可以是 uninteresting:◆The food was dull and uninteresting.食物单调无味。 It is more common to use a different word such as dull or boring.用其他词如 dull 或 boring 则更普遍。
inapositiontogainfromasituationorbeaffectedbyit有利害关系的;当事人的◆Asaninterestedparty, Iwasnotallowedtovote. 作为有利害关系的一方,我不得投票。◆Interestedgroupswillbegiventhreemonthstogivetheirviewsonthenewdevelopment. 有关团体将有三个月的时间提出他们对新开发项目的看法。Words that look like opposites, but aren’tdifferent/indifferent,interested/disinterested,famous/infamous,flammable/inflammable,savoury/unsavoury,sensible/insensible,valuable/invaluable