释义 |
crustyBrE /ˈkrʌsti/NAmE /ˈkrʌsti/ adjective (crust·ier, crusti·est) (of food 食物) having a hard outer layer 有硬皮的;有外壳的◆fresh crusty bread 新鲜的脆皮面包(informal) (especially of older people 尤指老年人) bad-tempered; easily irritated 脾气坏的;易发怒的◆a crusty old man 脾气暴躁的老人 crustyBrE /ˈkrʌsti/NAmE /ˈkrʌsti/ noun (also crustie) (crusties) (BrE, informal) a person who usually has no permanent home, has a dirty or untidy appearance, and rejects the way that most people live in Western society (抗拒西方传统的)邋遢流浪汉;居无定所抗拒传统的人 |