🔑ap·proxi·mate·lyAWBrE/əˈprɒksɪmətli/NAmE/əˈprɑːksɪmətli/adverbusedtoshowthatsthisalmost, butnotcompletely, accurateorcorrect大概;大约;约莫◆Thejourneytookapproximatelysevenhours. 旅程大约花了七个小时。Ways of saying approximately表示 “大约” 的方式
The flight takes approximately three hours.飞行大约需要三小时。
The tickets cost about £20 each.票每张约 20 英镑。
The repairs will cost $200, give or take a few dollars.修理费要花 200 美元,出入不过几美元。
How much will it cost, more or less?这个大概得花多少钱?
We are expecting thirty or so people to come.我们预计会来三十人左右。
She must be 25 or thereabouts.她肯定在 25 岁上下。
Profits have fallen by roughly 15%.利润下降了大约 15%。
You can expect to earn round about £40,000 a year.你可望一年赚 4 万英镑左右。
The price is somewhere around $800.价格在 800 美元上下。
She earns somewhere in the region of £25,000.她大约挣 25 000 英镑。
All these words and phrases are used in both speaking and writing; about is the most common and approximately the most formal.上述各词和短语在口语和书面语中均可使用,about 最常用,approximately 最正式。