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🔑 in·jured AW BrE /ˈɪndʒəd/NAmE /ˈɪndʒərd/ adjective🔑 physically hurt; having an injury 受伤的;有伤的◆an injured leg 受伤的腿◆Luckily, she isn't injured. 幸运的是,她没受伤。◆Carter is playing in place of the injured O'Reilly. 卡特替代受伤的奥赖利上场比赛。 OPP uninjured the injured noun [pl.] the people injured in an accident, a battle, etc. 受伤的人;伤员;伤兵◆Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital. 救护车把伤者送到了附近的一所医院。 Plural adjectival nouns the blind, the deaf, the destitute, the dead, the dying, the elderly, the faithful, the homeless, the injured, the insane, the jobless, the middle aged, the old, the poor, the rich, the sick, the squeamish, the wealthy, the wicked, the wounded, the young 🔑 (of a person or their feelings 人或感情) upset or offended because sth unfair has been done 委屈的;受到伤害的◆an injured look/tone 委屈的样子/语调◆injured pride 受伤的自尊心 |