

单词 mouth
🔑 mouth nounBrE /maʊθ/NAmE /maʊθ/ (
mouths BrE /maʊðz/ NAmE /maʊðz/
part of face 脸的部位🔑
the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.; the area inside the head behind this opening 嘴;口She opened her mouth to say something. 她张开嘴要说什么。His mouth twisted into a wry smile. 他硬挤出一丝干涩的微笑。Their mouths fell open (= they were surprised). 他们张口结舌。Don't talk with your mouth full (= when eating). 不要一边吃一边说话。The creature was foaming at the mouth. 这家伙在口吐白沫。   see also foot-and-mouth disease
person needing food 需要食物的人a person considered only as sb who needs to be provided with food 需要供养的人Now there would be another mouth to feed. 现在又多一个要吃饭的人。The world will not be able to support all these extra hungry mouths. 这个世界养活不起这么些额外的饥民。entrance/opening 入口;出口🔑 ~ (of sth) the entrance or opening of sth 入口;开口the mouth of a cave/pit 山洞口;矿井口   see also goalmouth of river 河流🔑 the place where a river joins the sea 入海口;河口way of speaking 讲话方式a particular way of speaking 讲话方式;言谈He has a foul mouth on him! 他满嘴脏话!Watch your mouth! (= stop saying things that are rude and/or offensive) 说话注意点儿!   see also loudmouth -mouthed …口 (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type or shape of mouth mentioned 有…嘴的;…口的a wide-mouthed old woman 大嘴的老太太a narrow-mouthed cave 洞口狭窄的山洞   see also open-mouthed (in adjectives 构成形容词) having a particular way of speaking 言谈…的;口齿…的a rather crude-mouthed individual 言谈非常粗鲁的人   see also foul-mouthed, mealy-mouthed Compound adjectives for physical characteristics -beaked, -bellied, -billed, -blooded, -bodied, -cheeked, -chested, -eared, -eyed, -faced, -fingered, -footed, -haired, -handed, -headed, -hearted, -hipped, -lidded, -limbed, -mouthed, -necked, -nosed, -skinned, -tailed, -throated, -toothed be all ˈmouth(informal) if you say sb is all mouth, you mean that they talk a lot about doing sth, but are, in fact, not brave enough to do it 只说不做down in the ˈmouthunhappy and depressed 闷闷不乐;沮丧keep your ˈmouth shut(informal) to not talk about sth to sb because it is a secret or because it will upset or annoy them 守口如瓶;保持缄默I've warned them to keep their mouths shut about this. 我警告过他们对此事要守口如瓶。Now she's upsetwhy couldn't you keep your mouth shut? 瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子,你就不能闭上嘴?out of the ˌmouths of ˈbabes (and ˈsucklings)(saying) used when a small child has just said sth that seems very wise or clever 童言有道run off at the ˈ mouth(NAmE, informal) to talk too much, in a way that is not sensible 夸夸其谈;信口开河;喋喋不休have a big ˈmouthto be bad at keeping secrets 嘴不严;爱泄露秘密to talk too much, especially about your own abilities and achievements 多嘴;吹牛;自吹自擂me and my big ˈmouth(informal) used when you realize that you have said sth that you should not have said 我真多嘴;真不该说出来born with a silver ˈspoon in your mouth(saying) having rich parents 生于富裕之家;出身富裕take the bread out of sb's ˈmouthto take away sb's job so that they are no longer able to earn enough money to live 剥夺某人的生计;砸某人的饭碗butter wouldn't melt (in sb's ˈmouth)(informal) used to say that sb seems to be innocent, kind, etc. when they are not really 假装一副老实样;装作天真无邪foam at the ˈmouth(especially of an animal 尤指动物) to have a mass of small bubbles in and around its mouth, especially because it is sick or angry 口吐白沫(尤指因发病或暴怒)(informal) (of a person ) to be very angry 大发雷霆put your ˈfoot in it(BrE) (also put your foot in your ˈmouthNAmE, BrE) to say or do sth that upsets, offends or embarrasses sb (在语言或行为上)使人不安,冒犯别人,使人尴尬I really put my foot in it with EllaI didn't know she'd split up with Tom. 我真的冒犯了埃拉,我不知道她和汤姆分手了。look a gift horse in the ˈmouth (usually with negatives 通常与否定词连用) (informal) to refuse or criticize sth that is given to you for nothing 拒受馈赠;白送的马还看牙口;对礼物吹毛求疵sb's heart is in their ˈmouthsomebody feels nervous or frightened about sth 提心吊胆;心提到了嗓子眼儿(straight) from the horse's ˈmouth(informal) (of information 信息) given by sb who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate 直接的;可靠的live (from) ˌhand to ˈmouthto spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food without being able to save any money 仅够糊口度日ˌmelt in your ˈmouth(of food 食物) to be soft and very good to eat 爽滑可口;柔嫩好吃put your money where your ˈmouth is(informal) to support what you say by doing sth practical; to show by your actions that you really mean sth 用行动证明自己的话ˌshoot your ˈmouth off (about sth)(informal) to talk with too much pride about sth 吹嘘;大吹大擂to talk about sth that is private or secret 张扬;信口乱讲(涉及隐私或秘密的事)shut your ˈmouth/ˈface!(slang) a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talking (粗暴地要某人停止说话)住口,闭嘴leave a bad/nasty ˈtaste in the mouth(of events or experiences 事件或经历) to make you feel disgusted or ashamed afterwards 使后来感到厌恶(或羞耻);留下坏印象watch your ˈmouth/ˈtongueto be careful what you say in order not to offend sb or make them angry 说话当心;嘴上留个把门的by ˌword of ˈmouthbecause people tell each other and not because they read about it 口头上;经口述The news spread by word of mouth. 这消息是口头传开的。put ˈwords into sb's mouthto suggest that sb has said sth when in fact they have not 硬说某人说过某些话take the ˈwords right out of sb's mouthto say what sb else was going to say 说出…想要讲的话
🔑 mouth verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they mouth BrE /maʊð/ NAmE /maʊð/present simple - he / she / it mouths BrE /maʊðz/ NAmE /maʊðz/past simple mouthed BrE /maʊðd/ NAmE /maʊðd/past participle mouthed BrE /maʊðd/ NAmE /maʊðd/ -ing form mouthing BrE /ˈmaʊðɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈmaʊðɪŋ/BrE /maʊð/NAmE /maʊð/~ sth | + speechto move your lips as if you were saying sth, but without making a sound (动嘴唇)不出声地说He mouthed a few obscenities at us and then moved off. 他不出声地朝我们骂了几句脏话,然后走了。~ sth | + speech(disapproving) to say sth that you do not really feel, believe or understand 言不由衷地说They're just mouthing empty slogans. 他们只是在空喊口号。 ˌmouth ˈoff (at/about sth)(informal) to talk or complain loudly about sth 大声地讲述;大声地抱怨




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