These are all words for a picture that has been made using a camera.以上各词均指照片、相片。
photograph a picture that has been made using a camera指照片、相片:◆a photograph of the house这座房子的照片◆Can I take a photograph?我可以拍个照吗?
picture a photograph指照片、相片:◆We had our picture taken in front of the hotel.我们在旅馆前照了相。
photo a photograph指照片、相片:◆a passport photo护照照片
photograph, picture or photo?用 photograph、picture 还是 photo?
Photograph is slightly more formal and photo is slightly less formal. Picture is used especially in the context of photographs in newspapers, magazines and books. * photograph 较正式而 photo 较非正式。picture 尤指报纸、杂志和书籍中的照片。
shot a photograph指照片、相片:◆I tried to get a shot of him in the water.我试着给他拍一张在水中的照片。NOTEShot often places more emphasis on the process of taking the photograph, rather than the finished picture. * shot 通常更强调拍摄照片的过程,而非已拍出的照片。
snapshot/snap an informal photograph that is taken quickly, and not by a professional photographer指非专业摄影师随手抓拍的照片:◆holiday snaps度假时随手拍的照片
print a copy of a photograph that is produced from film or from a digital camera指由胶片或数码相机洗印的照片:◆a set of prints一套照片