

单词 crash
🔑 crashBrE /kræʃ/NAmE /kræʃ/ nounvehicle accident 交通事故🔑 (NAmE also wreck) an accident in which a vehicle hits sth, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and often injuring or killing the passengers 撞车;碰撞;相撞A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. 昨天有个女孩在一桩涉及被盗汽车的撞车事故中丧生。a car/plane crash 汽车撞车事故;飞机失事Driving 驾驶

Having a car 拥有一辆汽车

  • have/own/ (BrE) run a car 有一辆汽车
  • ride a motorcycle/motorbike 骑摩托车
  • drive/prefer/use an automatic/a manual/ (NAmE, informal) a stick shift 开/喜欢/用自动挡/手动挡汽车
  • have/get your car serviced/fixed/repaired 给汽车做一次保养/维修一下/修理一下
  • buy/sell a used car/ (especially BrE) a second-hand car 买/卖二手车
  • take/pass/fail a (BrE) driving test/ (both NAmE) driver's test/road test 参加/通过/未通过驾照考试/道路考试
  • get/obtain/have/lose/carry a/your (BrE) driving licence/ (NAmE) driver's license 得到/拥有/丢失/携带驾照

Driving 驾驶

  • put on/fasten/ (NAmE) buckle/wear/undo your seat belt/safety belt 系上/解开安全带
  • put/turn/leave the key in the ignition 把钥匙插进点火开关;转动钥匙点火;把钥匙留在点火开关
  • start the car/engine 发动汽车/引擎
  • (BrE) change/ (NAmE) shift/put sth into gear 换挡;挂上挡
  • press/put your foot on the brake pedal/clutch/accelerator 踩刹车/离合器/油门
  • release the clutch/ (especially BrE) the handbrake/ (both NAmE) the emergency brake/the parking brake 松开离合器/手刹
  • drive/park/reverse the car 驾车;停车;倒车
  • (BrE) indicate left/right 示意左转/右转
  • (especially NAmE) signal that you are turning left/right 示意左转/右转
  • take/miss (BrE) the turning/ (especially NAmE) the turn 拐弯;错过拐弯处
  • apply/hit/slam on the brake(s) 踩刹车;猛踩刹车
  • beep/honk/ (especially BrE) toot/ (BrE) sound your horn 按喇叭

Problems and accidents 问题及事故

  • a car skids/crashes (into sth)/collides (with sth) 车打滑/撞上(某物)/(与某物)相撞
  • swerve to avoid an oncoming car/a pedestrian 猛地转弯以避开迎面来的车/行人
  • crash/lose control of the car 撞车;车失控
  • have/be in/be killed in/survive a car crash/a car accident/ (NAmE) a car wreck/a hit-and-run 出车祸/肇事逃逸事故;在车祸/肇事逃逸事故中丧生;幸免于车祸/肇事逃逸事故
  • be run over/knocked down by a car/bus/truck 被汽车/公交车/大卡车轧过/撞倒
  • dent/hit (BrE) the bonnet/ (NAmE) the hood 撞凹/撞上引擎盖
  • break/crack/shatter (BrE) the windscreen/ (NAmE) the windshield 打碎挡风玻璃
  • blow/ (especially BrE) burst/puncture (BrE) a tyre/ (NAmE) a tire 爆胎;扎破轮胎
  • get/have (BrE) a flat tyre/a flat tire/a puncture 胎瘪了;轮胎被扎破了
  • inflate/change/fit/replace/check a tyre/tire 给轮胎充气;更换/安装/更换/检查轮胎

Traffic and driving regulations 交通法规

  • be caught in/get stuck in/sit in a traffic jam 遇上堵车
  • cause congestion/tailbacks/traffic jams/gridlock 引起交通堵塞
  • experience/face lengthy delays 经历/面临长时间的延误
  • beat/avoid the traffic/the rush hour 避开交通高峰时段
  • break/observe/ (NAmE) drive the speed limit 超速行驶;遵守速度限制;限速行驶
  • be caught on (BrE) a speed camera 被测速摄像机逮住
  • stop sb for/pull sb over for/ (BrE, informal) be done for speeding 因超速被要求停车/停靠路边/被逮住
  • (both informal) run/ (BrE) jump a red light/the lights 闯红灯
  • be arrested for/charged with (BrE) drink-driving/ (both US) driving under the influence (DUI)/driving while intoxicated (DWI) 因酒后驾车/醉酒驾车被逮捕/起诉
  • be banned/ (BrE) disqualified from driving 被禁止驾车;被取消驾驶资格
loud noise 巨响🔑 [usually sing.] a sudden loud noise made, for example, by sth falling or breaking (倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了。The first distant crash of thunder shook the air. 远处的第一声霹雳震撼了天空。in finance/business 金融;商业🔑 a sudden serious fall in the price or value of sth; the occasion when a business, etc. fails 暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败 SYN collapse the 1987 stock market crash 1987 年的股票市场暴跌computing 计算机技术🔑 a sudden failure of a machine or system, especially of a computer or computer system (机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃
🔑 crashBrE /kræʃ/NAmE /kræʃ/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they crash BrE /kræʃ/ NAmE /kræʃ/present simple - he / she / it crashes BrE /ˈkræʃɪz/ NAmE /ˈkræʃɪz/past simple crashed BrE /kræʃt/ NAmE /kræʃt/past participle crashed BrE /kræʃt/ NAmE /kræʃt/ -ing form crashing BrE /ˈkræʃɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈkræʃɪŋ/of vehicle 交通工具🔑 [I, T] if a vehicle crashes or the driver crashes it, it hits an object or another vehicle, causing damage 碰撞;撞击I was terrified that the plane would crash. 飞机可能会失事,我吓坏了。We're going to crash, aren't we? 我们要坠毁了,是不是?~ into sthA truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus. 货车失控撞上了一辆公共汽车的尾部。~ sth (into sth) He crashed his car into a wall. 他的汽车撞到了墙上。crashslamcollidesmashwreck

These are all words that can be used when sth, especially a vehicle, hits sth else very hard and is damaged or destroyed. 以上各词均含碰撞、撞击之义,尤指撞车。

  • crash (rather informal) to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this 指(使)物体或交通工具碰撞或撞击I was terrified that the plane would crash. 我很害怕飞机会失事。
  • slam (sth) into/against sb/sth to crash into sth with a lot of force; to make sth do this 指(使)重重地撞上The car skidded and slammed into a tree. 汽车打滑,砰的一声撞到树上。
  • collide (rather formal) (of two vehicles or people) to crash into each other; (of a vehicle or person) to crash into sb/sth else 指交通工具或人碰撞、相撞或撞上The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog. 那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。
  • smash (rather informal) to crash into sth with a lot of force; to make sth do this; to crash a car 指(使)猛烈撞击、猛烈碰撞或撞车Ram-raiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window. 飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。

crash, slam or smash? 用 crash、slam 还是 smash?

Crash is used especially to talk about vehicles and can be used without a preposition. * crash 尤指交通工具碰撞,可不与介词连用We're going to crash, aren't we? 我们要坠毁了,是不是?In this meaning slam and smash always take a preposition. * slam 和 smash 表示此义时总是与介词连用We're going to slam/smash, aren't we?They are used for a much wider range of things than just vehicles. Crash can also be used for other things, if used with a preposition. 两词均可用于除交通工具外的范围更广的事物。crash 与介词连用也可用于其他事物He crashed down the telephone receiver. 他砰的一声将电话听筒摔下来。

  • wreck to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing 指使交通工具彻底毁坏


  • two vehicles crash/collide
  • two vehicles crash/slam/smash into each other
  • to crash/smash/wreck a car
hit hard/loud noise 猛撞;巨响🔑 [I, T] to hit sth hard while moving, causing noise and/or damage; to make sth hit sb/sth in this way (使)猛撞,碰撞+ adv./prep. A brick crashed through the window. 砖块哗啦一声砸入了窗户。With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor. 他一挥手把眼镜摔到地上摔碎了。+ adj. The door crashed open. 那门砰的一声给砸开了。~ sth + adj. She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her. 她愤怒地冲出房间并随手把门砰的一声关上。🔑 [I] to make a loud noise 使发出巨响Thunder crashed overhead. 头顶上雷声隆隆。in finance/business 金融;商业🔑 [I] (of prices, a business, shares, etc. 价格、公司、股票等) to lose value or fail suddenly and quickly (突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday. 昨天股票价格暴跌到了历史最低。The company crashed with debts of £50 million. 那家公司由于负债 5 000 万英镑而告破产。computing 计算机技术🔑 [I, T] ~ (sth) if a computer crashes or you crash a computer, it stops working suddenly 崩溃Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. 要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。party 聚会 [T] ~ sth(informal) = gatecrash in sport 体育运动 [I] (+ adv./prep)(especially BrE) to lose very badly in a sports game (比赛中)溃败,惨败The team crashed to their worst defeat this season. 那支队遭受了本赛季最严重的一次惨败。sleep 睡觉 [I] ~ (out) (informal) to fall asleep; to sleep somewhere you do not usually sleep 入睡;(在不常睡觉的地方)睡觉I was so tired I crashed out on the sofa. 我累极了,在沙发上就睡着了。I've come to crash on your floor for a couple of nights. 我来你家打几个晚上的地铺。medical 医学 [I] if sb crashes, their heart stops beating 心脏停止跳动a crashing ˈbore(old-fashioned, BrE) a very boring person 讨厌透顶的人 ˌcrash ˈout (of sth)(BrE, sport 体育) to lose a game with the result that you have to stop playing in a competition 被淘汰They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2–1 defeat to Brazil. 他们以 1:2 输给巴西队之后在世界杯赛中被淘汰出局。
🔑 crashBrE /kræʃ/NAmE /kræʃ/ adjective [only before noun] involving hard work or a lot of effort over a short period of time in order to achieve quick results 应急的;速成的a crash course in computer programming 计算机编程速成课程a crash diet 快速减肥规定饮食




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