

单词 settle
🔑 set·tleBrE /ˈsetl/NAmE /ˈsetl/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they settle BrE /ˈsetl/ NAmE /ˈsetl/present simple - he / she / it settles BrE /ˈsetlz/ NAmE /ˈsetlz/past simple settled BrE /ˈsetld/ NAmE /ˈsetld/past participle settled BrE /ˈsetld/ NAmE /ˈsetld/ -ing form settling BrE /ˈsetlɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈsetlɪŋ/end argument 结束纷争🔑 [T, I] ~ (sth) to put an end to an argument or a disagreement 结束(争论、争端等);解决(分歧、纠纷等)to settle a dispute/an argument/a matter 解决争端/争论/事情It's time you settled your differences with your father. 现在你该解决同你父亲之间的分歧了。There is pressure on the unions to settle. 工会组织面临消除纷争的压力。The company has agreed to settle out of court (= come to an agreement without going to court). 那家公司同意庭外和解。decide/arrange 决定;安排🔑 [T, often passive] to decide or arrange sth finally (最终)决定,确定,安排好~ sthIt's all settled we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane. 一切都定下来了,我们乘九点的航班走。Bob will be there? That settles it. I'm not coming. 鲍勃会去吗?那好,我就不去了。He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. 他得把他在巴黎的事情处理好才能回家。it is settled that…It's been settled that we leave on the nine o'clock plane. 已经定好我们乘坐九点的航班离开。choose permanent home 选择永久住地🔑 [I] + adv./prep. to make a place your permanent home 定居She settled in Vienna after her father's death. 父亲死后,她就在维也纳定居了。🔑 [T, usually passive, I] ~ sth | + adv./prep. (of a group of people 一批人) to make your permanent home in a country or an area as colonists 殖民;作为移民在殖民地定居This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century. 荷兰人于 19 世纪来到这一地区定居。

colonize, discover, explore, pioneer, reconnaissance, scout, settle, terrain, territory, voyage

into comfortable position/state 进入舒适的位置/状态 [I, T] to make yourself or sb else comfortable in a new position 使处于舒适的位置~ (back) (+ adv./prep.) Ellie settled back in her seat. 埃利舒适地靠着椅背坐下。~ sb/yourself (+ adv./prep.) He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair. 他在自己惯常坐的椅子上舒舒服服地坐下来。I settled her on the sofa and put a blanket over her. 我把她放在沙发上安顿好,给她盖了一条毯子。 [T] ~ sth + adv./prep. to put sth carefully in a position so that it does not move 把…放好;安放She settled the blanket around her knees. 她用毯子裹住膝盖。 [I, T] to become or make sb/sth become calm or relaxed (使)平静下来,安静下来,定下心来The baby wouldn't settle. 婴儿安静不下来。~ sb/sthI took a pill to help settle my nerves. 我吃了一片药,好镇定一下神经。This should settle your stomach. 这样你的胃应该就不难受了。come to rest 停留 [I] ~ (on/over sth) to fall from above and come to rest on sth; to stay for some time on sth 降落;停留Dust had settled on everything. 到处落满灰尘。Two birds settled on the fence. 两只鸟落在篱笆上。I don't think the snow will settle (= remain on the ground without melting). 我看这雪存不住。His gaze settled on her face. 他的目光落在她脸上。sink down 沉降 [I, T] ~ (sth) to sink slowly down; to make sth do this (使)沉降,下陷,变得密实The contents of the package may have settled in transit. 包裹里的东西可能在运输途中摇密实了。pay money 付钱 [T, I] to pay the money that you owe 付清(欠款);结算;结账~ sthPlease settle your bill before leaving the hotel. 请您先结账再离开旅馆。The insurance company is refusing to settle her claim. 保险公司拒付她提出的索赔款项。~ (up) (with sb) Let me settle with you for the meal. 我来把饭费付给你。I'll pay nowwe can settle up later. 现在我来付账,咱们以后再算。settle a ˈscore/an acˈcount (with sb)settle an old ˈscoreto hurt or punish sb who has harmed or cheated you in the past (和某人)算账,清算旧账;报复(某人)'Who would do such a thing?' 'Maybe someone with an old score to settle.' “谁做得出这样的事呢?” “也许是结有宿怨的人吧。”let the dust settlewait for the dust to settleto wait for a situation to become clear or certain 待尘埃落定;待形势明朗 ˌsettle ˈdown🔑 to get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying 舒适地坐下(或躺下)I settled down with a book. 我舒舒服服地坐下看书。🔑 to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place (在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活When are you going to get married and settle down? 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?The ages of life 年龄段

Childhood/youth 童年/青年时期

  • be born and raised/bred in Oxford; be born into a wealthy/middle-class family 在牛津出生并长大;在富裕/中产家庭出生
  • have a happy/an unhappy/a tough childhood 有幸福/不幸/艰苦的童年
  • grow up in a musical family/in an orphanage/on a farm 成长于音乐之家/孤儿院/农场
  • be/grow up an only child (= with no brothers or sisters) 是独生子
  • reach/hit/enter/go through adolescence/puberty 进入/经历青春期
  • be in your teens/early twenties/mid-twenties/late twenties 十几岁;二十出头;二十五岁左右;将近三十岁
  • undergo/experience physical/psychological changes 经历生理/心理变化
  • give in to/succumb to/resist peer pressure 屈服于/顶住同辈的压力
  • assert your independence/individuality 维护独立/个性

Adulthood 成年

  • leave school/university/home 中学/大学毕业;离家
  • go out to work (at sixteen) (16 岁)投身工作
  • get/find a job/partner 找到工作/伴侣
  • be/get engaged/married 订婚;结婚
  • have/get a wife/husband/mortgage/steady job 有妻子/丈夫/按揭贷款/稳定的工作
  • settle down and have kids/children/a family 安定下来并生儿育女
  • begin/start/launch/build a career (in politics/science/the music industry) 开始(政治/科学/音乐)职业生涯
  • prove (to be)/represent/mark/reach a turning point in your life/career 最终成为/代表/标志/达到某人人生/某人职业生涯的转折点
  • reach/be well into/settle into middle age 进入/安度中年
  • have/suffer/go through a midlife crisis 经历中年危机
  • take/consider early retirement 提前退休;考虑提前退休
  • approach/announce/enjoy your retirement 临近/宣布/享受退休

Old age 老年

  • have/see/spend time with your grandchildren 有孙辈;与孙辈共度时光
  • take up/pursue/develop a hobby 开始/追求/培养一种爱好
  • get/receive/draw/collect/live on a pension 得到/提取/领取退休金;靠退休金生活
  • approach/save for/die from old age 临近晚年;存钱养老;老死
  • live to a ripe old age 高寿
  • reach the grand old age of 102/23 (often ironic) 活到 102/23 岁高龄(常作反语)
  • be/become/be getting/be going senile (often ironic) 变得衰老(常作反语)
  • die (peacefully)/pass away in your sleep/after a brief illness 在睡梦中/患病不久(平静地)离开人世
ˌsettle ˈdown 🔑ˌsettle sb↔ˈdown 🔑to become or make sb become calm, less excited, etc. (使某人)安静下来,平静下来It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. 那个班一上课总得过一会儿才能安静下来。settle (down) to sthto begin to give your attention to sth 开始认真对待;定下心来做They finally settled down to a discussion of the main issues. 他们终于开始讨论一些主要问题了。He found it hard to settle to his work. 他觉得定不下心来工作。ˈsettle for sthto accept sth that is not exactly what you want but is the best that is available 勉强接受;将就In the end they had to settle for a draw. 最后,他们只好接受平局的结果。I couldn't afford the house I really wanted, so I had to settle for second best. 我真心想要的房子我买不起,所以只得退而求其次了。ˌsettle ˈinˌsettle ˈinto sthto move into a new home, job, etc. and start to feel comfortable there 安顿下来;习惯于(新居);适应(新工作)How are the kids settling into their new school? 孩子们在新学校习惯了吗?ˈsettle on sthto choose or make a decision about sth after thinking about it 选定;决定Have you settled on a name for the baby yet? 你给孩子起好名字没有?ˈsettle sth on sb(law 法律) to formally arrange to give money or property to sb, especially in a will 转让(钱财);(尤指在遗嘱中)赠与
🔑 set·tleBrE /ˈsetl/NAmE /ˈsetl/ nounan old-fashioned piece of furniture with a long wooden seat and a high back and arms, often also with a box for storing things under the seat 高背长椅(老式木家具,有扶手,座下多带柜)




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