释义 |
LBrE /el/NAmE /el/ noun (also l) [C, U] (Ls, L's, l's BrE /elz/ NAmE /elz/ ) the 12th letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第 12 个字母◆'Lion' begins with (an) L/'L'.lion 一词以字母 l 开头。 ➡ see also L-plate LBrE /el/NAmE /el/ abbreviationL. (especially on maps) Lake (尤标于地图上)湖◆L. Windermere 温德米尔湖(especially for sizes of clothes) large (尤指服装的尺码)大号◆S, M and L (= small, medium and large) 小号、中号和大号 LBrE /el/NAmE /el/ symbol (also l) the number 50 in Roman numerals (罗马数字)50 |