These are all words for a small area of dirt or another substance on a surface.以上各词均指污点、斑点、污迹。
mark a small area of dirt or other substance on the surface of sth, especially one that spoils its appearance指污点、污迹、斑点:◆The kids left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor.孩子们把厨房的地板弄得污迹斑斑。
stain a dirty mark on sth that is difficult to remove, especially one made by a liquid指污点、污渍:◆blood stains血迹
fingerprint a mark on a surface made by the pattern of lines on the end of a person's finger, often used by the police to identify criminals指指纹、指印:◆Her fingerprints were all over the gun.那支枪上布满了她的指纹。
streak a long thin mark or line that is a different colour from the surface it is on指条纹、条痕:◆She had streaks of grey in her hair.她头上已是白发绺绺。
speck a very small mark, spot or piece of a substance on sth指小点、污点:◆There isn't a speck of dust anywhere in the house.整间房子一尘不染。
blot a spot or dirty mark left on sth by a substance such as ink or paint being dropped on a surface指污点、墨渍
smear a mark made by sth such as oil or paint being spread or rubbed on a surface指污迹、油渍、污渍、污点
spot a small dirty mark on sth指污迹、污渍、污点:◆There were grease spots all over the walls.墙上满是油渍。
a streak/speck/blot/smear/spot of sth
a greasy mark/stain/smear
an ink mark/stain/blot/spot
a grease mark/stain/spot
to leave a mark/stain/fingerprint/streak/speck/blot/smear
🔑anoticeablespotorareaofcolouronthebodyofapersonorananimalwhichhelpsyoutorecognizethem(人或动物身上有助于识别的)斑点,记号,色斑◆ahorsewithawhitemarkonitshead头上有块白斑的马◆Hewasaboutsixfeettall, withnodistinguishingmarks. 他身高约六英尺,没什么特别的记号。patchdot ⬥ mark ⬥ spot
These are all words for a small part on a surface that is a different colour from the rest.以上各词均指斑点、色斑。
patch an area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it指色斑、斑点、(与周围不同的)小块、小片:◆a white dog with a black patch on its head头上有一块黑斑的白狗◆patches of dense fog团团浓雾
dot a small round mark on sth, especially one that is printed指点、小点、小圆点,尤指印出来的点:◆The letters 'i' and 'j' have dots over them.字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。◆The island is a small green dot on the map.这个岛在地图上是一个小绿点。
mark a noticeable area of colour on the body of a person or animal指人或动物身上的斑、记号、色斑:◆The horse had a white mark on its head.这匹马头上有块白斑。
spot a small round area that is a different colour or feels different from the surface it is on指斑点:◆Which has spots, a leopard or a tiger?有斑点的是豹还是虎?
a patch/dot/mark/spot on sth
with patches/dots/marks/spots
a blue/black/red, etc. patch/dot/mark/spot
➡ see alsobirthmark, marking (1) ➤symbol记号🔑awrittenorprintedsymbolthatisusedasasignofsth, forexamplethequalityofsthorwhomadeorownsit符号;记号;(显示质量、制造者或所有者等的)标记◆punctuationmarks标点符号◆Anypieceofsilverbearinghismarkisextremelyvaluable. 带有他的印记的每一件银器都极有价值。◆Iputamarkinthemargintoremindmetocheckthefigure. 我在页边做了个记号来提醒自己核对一下这个数字。➡ see alsoexclamation mark, question mark, trademark➤sign迹象asignthataqualityorfeelingexists(品质或情感的)标志,迹象,表示◆Onthedayofthefuneralbusinessesremainedclosedasamarkofrespect. 葬礼那天,商户停业以示敬意。◆Suchcoolnessunderpressureisthemarkofachampion. 在压力下仍能这样保持冷静,这就是冠军相。➤standard/grade标准;成绩🔑(especiallyBrE) anumberorletterthatisgiventoshowthestandardofsb'sworkorperformanceorisgiventosbforansweringsthcorrectly成绩;分数;等级◆togetagood/poormarkinEnglish英语得分高/低◆togivesbahigh/lowmark给某人高分/低分◆What'sthepassmark(= themarkyouneedinordertopass)? 合格分数是多少?◆Igotfullmarks(= thehighestmarkpossible)inthespellingtest. 我在拼写测验中得了个满分。◆(ironic) 'You'rewearingatie!''Fullmarksforobservation.'“你打领带啦!” “你真眼尖,我给你打满分。”➡ see alsoblack mark, gradenoun (3)