

单词 age
🔑 ageBrE /eɪdʒ/NAmE /eɪdʒ/ noun🔑 [C, U] the number of years that a person has lived or a thing has existed 年龄He left school at the age of 18. 他 18 岁读完中学。She needs more friends of her own age. 她需要更多的同龄朋友。children from 5–10 years of age 5 至 10 岁的儿童Young people of all ages go there to meet. 不同年龄的年轻人都去那里聚会。When I was your age I was already married. 我在你这个年纪时已经结婚了。He started playing the piano at an early age. 他幼年开始弹钢琴。All ages admitted. 不限年龄均可入内。Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare. 12 岁以上儿童须购全票。She was beginning to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old). 她开始感到自己上年纪了。He was tall for his age (= taller than you would expect, considering his age). 以他的年龄,他算高个子。There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). 他们的年龄相差很大。ways of calculating the age of the earth 计算地球年龄的方法

adolescent, age, elderly, generation, infant, juvenile, middle-aged, minor, teenage, young

🔑 [U, C] a particular period of a person's life 年龄段middle age 中年15 is an awkward age.15 岁是个尴尬的年纪。He died of old age. 他终其天年。The ages of life 年龄段

Childhood/youth 童年/青年时期

  • be born and raised/bred in Oxford; be born into a wealthy/middle-class family 在牛津出生并长大;在富裕/中产家庭出生
  • have a happy/an unhappy/a tough childhood 有幸福/不幸/艰苦的童年
  • grow up in a musical family/in an orphanage/on a farm 成长于音乐之家/孤儿院/农场
  • be/grow up an only child (= with no brothers or sisters) 是独生子
  • reach/hit/enter/go through adolescence/puberty 进入/经历青春期
  • be in your teens/early twenties/mid-twenties/late twenties 十几岁;二十出头;二十五岁左右;将近三十岁
  • undergo/experience physical/psychological changes 经历生理/心理变化
  • give in to/succumb to/resist peer pressure 屈服于/顶住同辈的压力
  • assert your independence/individuality 维护独立/个性

Adulthood 成年

  • leave school/university/home 中学/大学毕业;离家
  • go out to work (at sixteen) (16 岁)投身工作
  • get/find a job/partner 找到工作/伴侣
  • be/get engaged/married 订婚;结婚
  • have/get a wife/husband/mortgage/steady job 有妻子/丈夫/按揭贷款/稳定的工作
  • settle down and have kids/children/a family 安定下来并生儿育女
  • begin/start/launch/build a career (in politics/science/the music industry) 开始(政治/科学/音乐)职业生涯
  • prove (to be)/represent/mark/reach a turning point in your life/career 最终成为/代表/标志/达到某人人生/某人职业生涯的转折点
  • reach/be well into/settle into middle age 进入/安度中年
  • have/suffer/go through a midlife crisis 经历中年危机
  • take/consider early retirement 提前退休;考虑提前退休
  • approach/announce/enjoy your retirement 临近/宣布/享受退休

Old age 老年

  • have/see/spend time with your grandchildren 有孙辈;与孙辈共度时光
  • take up/pursue/develop a hobby 开始/追求/培养一种爱好
  • get/receive/draw/collect/live on a pension 得到/提取/领取退休金;靠退休金生活
  • approach/save for/die from old age 临近晚年;存钱养老;老死
  • live to a ripe old age 高寿
  • reach the grand old age of 102/23 (often ironic) 活到 102/23 岁高龄(常作反语)
  • be/become/be getting/be going senile (often ironic) 变得衰老(常作反语)
  • die (peacefully)/pass away in your sleep/after a brief illness 在睡梦中/患病不久(平静地)离开人世
  see also third age
🔑 [C] a particular period of history (历史上的)时代,时期the nuclear age 核时代the age of the computer 计算机时代   see also Bronze Age, Iron Age, New Age, Stone Age 🔑 [U] the state of being old 老年;陈年;破旧;老化Wine improves with age. 陈酒味浓。The jacket was showing signs of age. 这件夹克已露出破旧的痕迹。the wisdom that comes with age 随着年龄而增加的智慧🔑 ages [pl.] (also an age [sing.]) (informal, especially BrE) a very long time 很长时间I waited for ages. 我等了好长时间。It'll probably take ages to find a parking space. 大概得老半天才能找到停车位。Carlos left ages ago. 卡洛斯老早就离开了。It's been an age since we've seen them. 我们有很长一段时间没有见到他们了。 [C] (geology 地质学) a length of time which is a division of an epoch
ˌbe/ˌact your ˈageto behave in a way that is suitable for sb of your age and not as though you were much younger 行为和年龄相称;举止不再有孩子气ˌcome of ˈagewhen a person comes of age, they reach the age when they have an adult's legal rights and responsibilities 成年;达到法定年龄   see also coming of age if sth comes of age, it reaches the stage of development at which people accept and value it 成熟;发达ˌlook your ˈageto seem as old as you really are and not younger or older 容貌与年龄相当ˌunder ˈagenot legally old enough to do a particular thing 未到法定年龄It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age. 售香烟给未到法定年龄的孩子是非法的。   see also underage of advanced ˈyearssb's advanced ˈageused in polite expressions to describe sb as 'very old' 高龄;年事已高He was a man of advanced years. 他年事已高。(humorous) Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself! 我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!of a certain ˈageif you talk about a person being of a certain age, you mean that they are no longer young but not yet old 不算年轻的;年纪不轻的;中年的The show appeals to an audience of a certain age. 这个节目中年观众感兴趣。in ˈthis day and agenow, in the modern world 当代;当今;在今天这个时代ˌfeel your ˈageto realize that you are getting old, especially compared with people you are with who are younger than you (尤指与较年轻者比)感到自己上年纪了,意识到自己老了a/the ˌgrand old ˈage (of…)a great age 高龄She finally learned to drive at the grand old age of 70. 她终于在 70 岁高龄学会了开车。a/the ripe old age (of…)an age that is considered to be very old (…的)高龄He lived to the ripe old age of 91. 他活到了 91 岁的高龄。
🔑 ageBrE /eɪdʒ/NAmE /eɪdʒ/ verbpresent simple - I / you / we / they age BrE /eɪdʒ/ NAmE /eɪdʒ/present simple - he / she / it ages BrE /ˈeɪdʒɪz/ NAmE /ˈeɪdʒɪz/past simple aged BrE /eɪdʒd/ NAmE /eɪdʒd/past participle aged BrE /eɪdʒd/ NAmE /eɪdʒd/ -ing form aging BrE /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/ HELP In BrE the present participle can also be spelled age·ing. 英式英语中,现在分词也可拼作 ageing。 [I] to become older 变老As he aged, his memory got worse. 他随着年事增高,记忆力就变差了。The population is aging (= more people are living longer). 人口正在老龄化。 [T] to make sb/sth look, feel or seem older 使显老;使变老;使苍老~ sbThe shock has aged her. 这次打击让她显得苍老了。~ sthExposure to the sun ages the skin. 太阳暴晒会使皮肤衰老。 [I, T] to develop in flavour over a period of time; to allow sth to do this (使)成熟,变陈 SYN mature The cheese is left to age for at least a year. 这种奶酪至少要搁一年才成熟。~ sthThe wine is aged in oak casks. 这种酒是用栎木酒桶放陈的。




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