

单词 enemy
释义 enemy¹ /ˈenəmɪ/ n.( 复enemies)

The Government's political enemies were quick to pick up on this series of disasters.政府的政敌迅速借这一系列灾难向其发难。

an enemy of sb/sth某人/某事物的敌人(或反对者)

He is one of the most formidable enemies of the regime.他是令当局最为头疼的敌人之一。

to make an enemy of sb使某人成为敌人

He was so rude that he made enemies of most people he met.他非常粗鲁, 遇到的大多数人都成了敌人。

to make enemies树敌
to be your own worst enemy自讨苦吃;自作自受;自己害自己

He was his own worst enemy, too uncompromising to get on with politicians and too aloof to win the affection of ordinary people.他是自作自受, 一方面不懂妥协, 无法与政客们和睦相处, 另一方面又孤傲冷漠, 不能赢得大众的喜爱。

See alsopublic enemy number one
2.the enemy of sth
(something that stops something else from happening or developing)的危害物;…的大敌

Alcohol is the enemy of healthy sperm and eggs.酒精危害精子和卵子的健康。

Reform is the enemy of revolution.改革是革命的大敌。

3.the enemy【军】敌军;敌方

The enemy were pursued for two miles.敌军被追出两英里。

The enemy is approaching the city from all sides.敌军正从四面八方逼近这座城市。

4.the enemy
(hostile nation)敌国

They believed that his cooperation with the enemy had passed over to collaboration.他们认为他与敌国的合作已演变成通敌行为。

enemy² /ˈenəmɪ/ comp.
1.【军】+ aircraft, tank, ship敌军的;+ soldier, combatant, forces, troops敌方的

He searched the skies for enemy bombers.他在空中搜寻敌军轰炸机。

enemy lines敌军阵线
enemy fire敌军火力;敌军炮火

He was Sweden's only soldier to be killed by enemy fire in the Second World War.他是瑞典军队在第二次世界大战中死于敌军炮火的唯一一名士兵。

They faced heavy enemy fire.他们遭到了敌军猛烈炮火的攻击。

to come under enemy fire遭到敌军炮火的攻击

He was killed, after his unit came under enemy fire.他所属的分队遭敌军炮火攻击, 他牺牲了。

2.(of hostile nation)敌国的
the enemy camp敌营
to go over to the enemy camp投敌




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