

单词 endless
释义 endless /ˈendlɪs/ adj.
1.(interminable)+ journey, drought, war, winter, dark day无休止的;无止境的;+ meetings, arguments, questions没完没了的;+ line, path无尽头的;+ list无穷尽的

The drought seemed to be endless.这场旱灾似乎没有结束的时候。

The journey seemed endless.旅程似乎没有尽头。

They have endless arguments.他们之间的争吵没完没了。

They turned into an endless street.他们转入一条看不到尽头的街道。

Those dark days seemed endless at the time.当时那些黑暗的日子似乎永无止境。

the list is endless不胜枚举

There is always something better the money can be spent on – a holiday, three-piece suite, upgrading a house. The list is endless.钱总是可以花在更值得花的地方, 比如度假、买三件套家具、把房子改造一下等等。例子举不胜举。

2.(unlimited)+ resources无穷的;+ patience无限的;+ variety不计其数的;+ days漫长的

the photographer's depictions of one woman in an endless variety of poses摄影师给女子拍的各种姿势的照片

He recalls endless summer days as an Oxford student.他想起了在牛津读书时漫长的夏日。

the possibilities are endless存在着无限多的可能性

Take up rollerblading. Visit the local pool or the beach. Go on a bush walk. The possibilities are endless.去滑旱冰, 去当地的游泳池或海边, 或去丛林漫步, 可做的事太多了。





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