

单词 end
释义 end¹ /end/ n.
1.(final part of period of time)+of day, week, month最后部分;末尾
until the end of time直到永远

the end of the holidays假期的末尾

by the end of sth到…的末尾时

The report is expected by the end of the year.年底要提交报告。

at the end of sth在…的末尾时

at the end of August在8月底

2.(end of activity, event)终止;结束

Mandela's 1994 election heralded the end of apartheid.曼德拉1994年的当选宣告了种族隔离制的终结。

an end to sth…的终止;…的结束

The French government today called for an end to the violence.今天法国政府呼吁停止暴力行为。

at the end of sth在…结束时

At the end of every session he was exhausted from the effort of the exercise.每节课结束时, 他都因努力锻炼而筋疲力尽。

at the end在结束时;最后

You will have the chance to ask questions at the end.在结束时你会有提问的机会。

3.+of book, film最后部分;结尾;结局

I wept at the end of the book.这本书我在看到结尾的时候哭了。

the end of the film电影的结局

4.(extremity)+of table, street, line, rope, queue, tunnel末端;尽头
at both ends of the tunnel在隧道的两端

Hold on to the end of the rope.抓住绳子的末端。

at the end of sth在…的末端(或尽头)

There's a nice pub at the end of the road.在路的尽头有一家不错的酒吧。

at the other end of the table在桌子的另一端

from end to end从头到尾;从这一端到另一端

The creature measures only a few centimetres from end to end.小家伙从头到尾只有几厘米长。

(facing you)端头直对地

The house is approached end on, not frankly its best aspect.这所房子要从后面进入, 老实说并不是最好的朝向。

(end to end)(纵长)首尾相接地
the other end of town城镇的另一端

Mum lived one end of town and I lived the other end of town.妈妈住在镇子的一端, 而我住在另一端。

5.+of narrow object末梢;尖端

Sharpen a stick at both ends.把棍子的两头都削尖。

She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.她让长长的烟灰留在烟头上。


Now the government is trying another policy designed to achieve the same end.现在政府正尝试旨在达到同样效果的另一政策。

for political ends为了政治目的

The police force is being manipulated for political ends.有人为了政治目的在操纵警察部门。

to this endorwith this end in view<正式>为了达到这个目标;为达到此目的

I needed to speak with Jones urgently and, to this end, I arranged a meeting.我急需和琼斯谈谈, 为此我安排了一次会面。

an end in itself本身就值得做的事

While he had originally travelled in order to study, travelling had become an end in itself.他原本是为了学习而旅行, 不过旅行本身也是一种享受。


You take care of your end, kid; I'll take care of mine.你管好你的事儿, 年轻人;我会管好我的。

Let's go up to the office and settle the business end of things.咱们上楼到办公室去把公事搞定吧。

8.+of scale, spectrum一端;一头

The agreement has been criticized by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum.该协议遭到了极左翼和极右翼两大团体的批评。

9.+of telephone line一端;一头

There was silence at the other end of the line.电话那头没有声音。

at the other end当旅行结束时

Make sure to meet them at the other end.旅行结束时一定去接他们。


Soon after we had spoken to this man, he had met a violent end.我们和这个人谈话之后没多久, 他就死于非命了。

11.【体】+of pitch, rink半边球场

He walked down to the bowlers' end.他向投球区走去。

12.(section of play)(滚木球戏、冰壶游戏等中的)一回, 一阵
14.at the end of the day<非正式>(in the final analysis)最终;到头来

At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide.最终得由德国人来作决定。

15.to beat sb all ends up【体】彻底地击败某人

Okocha beat Ashdown all ends up with a free kick.奥科查用一个任意球彻底击败了阿什当。

16.to be at an end完结;结束;终止

The court has passed sentence and the matter is now at an end.法庭已经作出判决, 现在这件事告一段落了。

17.to be at a loose end<英>at loose ends<美,加拿大>无所事事;无事可做

She'd left school and was at a loose end, waiting for a hospital place to train as a nurse.她毕业后没事可做, 一直在等着去医院培训做护士。

18.to be the end<非正式>(the worst)糟透了;坏透了;(尤指)让人无法容忍

You really are the end, man.老兄, 你真让人受不了。

<美>(the best)最好;顶呱呱
19.to the bitter endorto the very end坚持到底

We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.我们会斗争到底, 确保我们的孩子得到理应属于他们的东西。

20.to bring sth to an end
(halt)+ event使…结束(或终止)

I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end.我担心她会离场或者终止采访。

21.to come to an end结束;终止

The cold war came to an end.冷战结束了。

22.to come to a sticky end

Their leader, Wat Tyler, came to a sticky end.他们的首领沃特·泰勒死于非命。


Fundraising from family and friends often comes to a sticky end because there are rarely formal arrangements.因为很少有正式的协议, 从亲朋好友处筹款经常会闹得特别不愉快。

23.the end of the matter事情的结束

Francis fined him two weeks' wages and said, 'That's the end of the matter.'弗朗西斯罚了他两个星期的工资, 然后说:“事情到此为止。”

24.the end of the road尽头;极限;终点

Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?从选举结果来看, 这是不是国会中强硬派的末日?

to be near the end of the roadorto reach the end of the road接近终点;达到极限

The show looks to be nearing the end of the road after 13 years in a West End theatre.在伦敦西区一家剧场上演13年后, 这部剧看起来快演不下去了。

25.to the end of timeoruntil the end of time
(for ever)永远;一直

Grief-stricken, he felt he deserved to suffer to the end of time.他极度悲痛, 觉得自己应该永远受苦。

a love that lasts until the end of time永恒的爱

26.the ends of the earth遥远的地方;天涯海角

Sweden seemed a desperate outpost at the ends of the earth.瑞典好像是一个位于天涯海角的极其偏远的国度。

27.to get your end away<英,粗>性交
28.to go the ends of the earth for sth/sborto go to the ends of the earth to do sth为某事物/某人/做某事走遍天涯海角(或历尽千辛万苦)

I am going to go to the ends of the earth to make sure something is done about these ridiculous laws.我将不遗余力地确保这些荒谬的法律得到改进。

29.to go off the deep end<非正式>变得神志不清;变得精神不正常

I'm not sure she believes me. She probably just thinks I've gone off the deep end.我不确定她是否相信我。她可能只是觉得我精神不正常了。

30.in the end最终;结果

Benny thought the president was sincere and sensitive, but, in the end, that's not what counts.本尼认为总统为人诚恳、善解人意, 但到头来那些都没有用。

In the end I decided to stay at home.最后我决定待在家里。

31.to jump in at the deep end<英>进入一无所知的全新领域

The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end, making a complete change to their eating habits.很多人节食失败的原因是对节食一窍不通, 一下子完全改变了饮食习惯。

32.to keep your end uporto keep up your end (of sth)<非正式>坚持下去;尽自己的本分;做好自己的本职工作

I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty.我得和系里其他教授一样做好自己的本职工作。

He had trouble keeping up his end of a technical discussion.他在参与技术讨论时总表现得不尽如人意。

33.loose ends未完成的任务;尚待处理的问题

Now that he's gone, I'm left with so many loose ends.他走了, 留给我这么多尚未完成的事。

See alsoloose end, 1
34.to make ends meetorto make both ends meet使收支相抵;勉强维持生计

With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.加上贝蒂的薪水, 他们仅能勉强维持生计。

35.to meet a sticky end<非正式>死于非命

He goes in search of her but meets a sticky end at the hands of her murderer.他去寻找她, 却悲惨地死在谋杀她的那个人手里。

36.no end<非正式>大量;许多

Teachers inform me that Tracey's behaviour has improved no end.老师们告诉我特雷西的行为大有改善。

They have received no end of complaints.他们接到了许多投诉。

37.not to be the end of the world天不会塌下来;不是世界末日

I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.如果我们没能成功, 我会感到失望, 但这也不会是世界末日。

38.on end

I spend days on end in this studio.我一连几天待在这个工作室里。

39.to put an end to sth
(stop)+ war, attacks结束;终止

We expect you to put an end to these terror attacks by your own people.我们希望你们能够终止由你们自己的民众发起的恐怖袭击。

+ practice停止;废除

They are campaigning to put an end to the practice of female circumcision.他们正开展运动, 力争废除女性割礼。

+ speculation, rumours终止;消除

Today's announcement should at least put an end to the recent speculation.今天发布的通告应该至少能消除近来的猜测。

+ career结束;终结

A knee injury put an end to his career.膝伤结束了他的职业生涯。

40.to throw sb in at the deep end<英>使某人进入一无所知的全新领域

It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you.这是一份绝好的工作。你得以进入一个全新的领域, 一切都要靠自己。

end² /end/
🄰 vt.
1.(stop)+ war, fighting结束;终止;+ poverty, inequality消除

Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting.会谈重新开始, 以期结束战争。

He refused to end his nine-week-old hunger strike.他拒绝终止已坚持9周的绝食抗议。

2.+ time period结束;终结

British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p.英国天然气公司股价上涨1便士, 以287便士收盘。

3.【农】(into barn, stack)把(干草或谷物)放进谷仓(或堆成垛)
🄱 vi.
1.meeting, film, war, journey, career, relationship +结束;终止

There were only three of them left when the meeting ended.他们中只有三人待到会议结束。

He thought the whole war would soon end.他原以为整场战争很快就会结束。

2.time period +结束;终结

He took her out a couple of times before term ended.学期结束前, 他带她出去过几次。

the week ending …截至…的一周

the week ending 4 September截至9月4日的那一周

The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.第一个数字表示截至7月27日的周销售量。

3.(in particular way)结束;告终

Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。

4.(end up)结束;告终

They'll probably end back on the streets.他们最后可能又会流落街头。

My own view is that we can have a relationship without worrying where it will end.我自己的观点是:我们可以交往, 不用担心结果如何。

5.(enter state unwittingly)结束;告终
to end by doing sth以做某事告终

They ended by making themselves miserable.结果是他们自找苦吃。

6.journey +结束;road +到尽头

The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。

The road ended at a T-junction.这条路的尽头是一个丁字路口。

7.to end all胜过;超过

the deal to end all deals最大的一笔交易

the film to end all films最棒的电影

8.to end it all<非正式>自杀

He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all.他萌生了自杀的念头, 想出各种自我了断的办法。

Phrasal Verbsend in,end off,end off with,end up,end with




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