

单词 emerge
释义 emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/
🄰 vi.
1.(come out)(从封闭处、暗处等)出现

Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.她出现的时候, 理查德正在门外等候。

(from room, building)从…中出来

The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.邮递员从他的厢式货车中出来, 浑身都湿透了。

I saw the woman emerge from a shop.我看到那个女人从一家商店里出来。

2.(survive)(从困境中)挣脱出来, 熬过来
to emerge from sth从…中挣脱出来

their plans to emerge from bankruptcy by February of next year他们在明年2月份以前摆脱破产困境的计划

3.(come to light)evidence, fact, details +暴露;显露;为人所知

the growing corruption that has emerged in the past few years过去几年暴露出的日益严重的腐败

Yesterday new details emerged about the ambassador's dismissal.昨天爆出了大使被免职的新细节。

to emerge from sth从…中显露出来

A lot of new evidence has emerged from the investigation.调查中发现了大量新证据。

A positive picture emerged for Scotland's homeowners from the report.这份报告为苏格兰的房产业主勾画出积极乐观的图景。

4.(come into being)nation, industry, organization +形成;兴起

Large-scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.大型工业是伴随着技术的发展逐渐兴起的。

the new republic that emerged in October 19171917年10月成立的新共和国

5.(be recognized)leader, figure +露头;脱颖而出

New leaders have emerged.新的领导人已经产生。

to emerge as sth脱颖而出成为…

Mr Shevardnadze emerged as a major figure in the reform movement.谢瓦尔德纳泽先生逐渐成为改革运动中的重要人物。

Vietnam has emerged as the world's third-biggest rice exporter.越南已经跃居世界第三大稻米出口国。

6.(rise to surface)object, body, animal +浮出

The bird hurtled into the waves and emerged with a silvery fish.那只鸟猛地扎进波涛中, 然后衔着一条银白色的鱼浮上水面。

to emerge from sth从…中浮出

Then an otter emerged from the water.接着一条水獭从水中浮了出来。

🄱 vi.
(come to light)暴露;显露;为人所知
it emerges that …<英>为人所知的是…

It emerged that she had been drinking.她一直酗酒的事实暴露了。





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