

单词 emasculation
释义 emasculation /ɪˌmæskjʊˈleɪʃən/ n.
1.<正式>(weakening)+of person, organization削弱

the emasculation of fundamental freedoms基本自由的削弱

the emasculation of Nepal's ancient monarchy尼泊尔古老君主制的削弱

2.<正式>(act of making less masculine)+of man男子气的丧失

a highly intelligent attempt to portray the influence of his able, powerful mother and his own sense of emasculation描述他能干强势母亲的影响和他自身无能感的一次非常聪明的尝试

3.<正式>(castration)+of man, male animal阉割

the tragic irony of a character who faces emasculation from testicular cancer一个因睾丸癌面临阉割的角色的悲剧性讽刺

4.【植】+of flower去雄




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