

单词 ear
释义 ear¹ /ɪə/ n.
1.(organ of hearing)耳;耳朵
diseases of the ear耳部疾病

He whispered something in her ear.他在她耳边低语了几句。

2.(outer ear)(尤指人的)耳郭
the golden ring he wore in one ear他一只耳朵上戴着的金耳环
3.(aural sensitivity)辨音力;灵敏的听力
his finely tuned actor's ear他作为演员所具备的敏锐听力
to have an ear for sth能听懂…;对…有鉴赏力

She had an ear for music, and could play 5 instruments.她非常有乐感, 能够演奏5种乐器。

Martha, unfortunately, has no ear for foreign languages.不幸的是, 玛莎没有听辨外语的能力。


They had shut their eyes and ears to everything.他们对什么事都视而不见、充耳不闻。

to come to sb's ear传到某人耳朵里;引起某人注意

It came to his ear that several employees were unhappy with his management style.他听说有几个雇员不满意他的管理方式。

to give ear to sth/sb<文>to give an ear to sth/sb倾听…

The King gave ear to the complaints of his people.国王倾听民怨。

What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympathetic ear?怎样才能使民众以更加体谅的心态倾听他的话呢?

5.(object resembling an ear)耳状物
6.【农,植】+of corn
8.all ears<非正式>全神贯注地听;洗耳恭听

He's a bright lad, all ears.他是个很聪明的小伙子, 总是在全神贯注地听。

All right, fire away, I'm all ears.好了, 开始说吧, 我洗耳恭听。

9.to bend sb's ear<非正式>(尤指令人恼火地)缠住某人喋喋不休

He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.人们一个劲儿地跟他说要继续留在学校念书, 这让他烦透了。

10.to be out on your ear<非正式>突然被解雇;突然被赶走

We never objected. We 'd have been out on our ears looking for another job if we had.我们从未反对过, 如果我们真的反对, 早就被扫地出门、另谋出路了。

11.to box sb's earsorto give sb a box on the ear<过时>打某人耳光

If he had said that to me, I 'd have boxed his ears.假如他当时那么对我说, 我会抽他一耳光。

12.to chew sb's ear<非正式>严厉地训斥某人

The Colonel chewed Captain Pritchard's ear about slackness in his company.上校因为普里查德上尉手下的懈怠而严厉批评了他。

Dave had his ear chewed by the coach for missing a couple of easy goals.因为丢了几个很容易进的球, 戴夫受到了教练的严厉斥责。

13.your ears are burning(因被别人议论而)耳朵发热

My ears were burning, but I'm glad to say most of what I heard was reasonably complimentary.我耳朵在发烫, 但我很高兴我听到的大多是比较公道的赞扬。

14.to fall on deaf ears未被理睬;被置之不理

I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.我希望我们的呼吁不会无人理睬。

15.a flea in your ear<非正式>尖刻的斥责;刺耳的话

He thought he was being helpful but got a flea in his ear for his pains.他认为自己是在帮忙, 但是却吃力不讨好地受到严厉的指责。

to send sb away with a flea in their ear用刺耳的话把某人撵走

Phil went to her expecting sympathy, but she sent him away with a flea in his ear, apparently.菲尔期待能得到她的同情, 但显然她把他骂走了。

16.to have the ear of sb能够影响某人;使某人听从自己

He has the ear of the president.总统能听进他的话。

17.to have hard ears<加勒比>坚决不听从
18.to go in one ear and out the other左耳进右耳出;当耳旁风

Everything his teacher tells him goes in one ear and out the other.不管老师对他说什么, 他总是当耳边风。

19.to keep your ear to the groundorto have your ear to the ground关注事态;注意动向

Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I'll keep my ear to the ground for you.制造业的就业机会相对很稀少, 但是我会帮你留意的。

20.to lend an ear(认真而同情地)倾听

They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.他们总是愿意认真倾听并尽量提出建议。

to lend sb/sth an earorto lend an ear to sb/sth(认真而同情地)倾听…

Certainly Anna lent a sympathetic ear to Willie's complaints.安娜当然表示理解地倾听了威利的抱怨。

21.to listen with half an ear心不在焉地听

The conversation had nothing to do with me, but I was still listening with half an ear.这个谈话与我毫无关系, 但是我还是心不在焉地听着。

22.to make a pig's ear of sth<非正式>将…搞砸

I probably failed because I made a complete pig's ear of my three-point turn.我或许没法通过了, 因为我在考三点掉头时彻底考砸了。

23.to play sth by ear
+ music(不看乐谱而)凭记忆演奏

Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practising.尼尔凭着记忆弹奏他曾听姐姐练习时弹的曲子。

24.to play it by ear
(respond to events)见机行事;随机应变

I hadn't made a plan of action. I was intending to play it by ear once I found out how exactly she felt towards me.我没有制订行动计划。我打算一旦明确她对我的感觉就见机行事。

25.to prick up your ears
person +支起耳朵注意听

Of course, as soon as I heard the name Herb Kanzell, I pricked up my ears.当然, 我一听到赫布•坎策尓这个名字就马上竖起了耳朵。

26.to prick up its ears
animal, dog +竖起耳朵注意听

I didn't hear anything, but the dog pricked up its ears and growled softly.我什么也没听到, 但是狗却竖起了耳朵轻吼了起来。

27.to set sb by the ears使争吵;在…之间制造混乱

An article was leaked to the press that set the parliamentary subcommittee by the ears.一项条款被泄露给了媒体, 使得议会小组委员会炸开了锅。

28.a thick ear<非正式>耳光

If I have any more cheek from you, my lad, you'll get a thick ear!你小子要再这么不要脸, 小心我抽你耳光!

29.to turn a deaf ear充耳不闻;置之不理

Though the Governor of Virginia lobbied on the planters' behalf, the Crown turned a deaf ear.虽然弗吉尼亚殖民地总督为种植园主进行游说, 但国王对此充耳不闻。

to turn a deaf ear to sth对…充耳不闻;对…置之不理

He has turned a resolutely deaf ear to American demands for action.他对美方的行动要求丝毫不予理会。

30.up to your ears in sth全力投入于…;埋头于…;深陷于…

Why don't you come with me?—I can't. I'm up to my ears in reports.怎么不跟我一起来呀?——不行, 我忙着写报告呢。

He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.他负债累累, 走投无路。

31.wet behind the ears<非正式>乳臭未干的

They've started giving really responsible positions to people who are actually still wet behind the ears.他们已经开始把责任重大的岗位给一些还乳臭未干的人了。

ear² /ɪə/ vi.




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