单词 | duty |
释义 | duty¹ 1.(responsibility)+of person责任;义务 his gallantry and devotion to duty他的英勇无畏和忠于职守 My duty is to look after the animals.我的职责是照看动物。 to be sb's duty是某人的义务 It is a doctor's duty to preserve life.救死扶伤是医生的责任。 it is my duty to inform you that …我有义务通知你…;我必须通知你… to have a duty to do sth有义务做某事 He felt he had a duty to look after his father's business.他觉得自己有责任照看父亲的生意。 People have a moral duty to work for a just world.为公正的社会而奋斗是每个人的道德责任。 to do your duty承担责任;履行责任 I encourage everyone to do your duty tomorrow and continue to vote.我鼓励每个人明天都履行责任, 继续投票。 to make it your duty to do sth出于责任感必须做某事 Make it your duty to provide for your children's future.为孩子的将来未雨绸缪是父母不可推卸的责任。 duty calls职责所在;有工作要做 I would like to stay at home, but I think duty calls.我很愿意待在家里, 但我想还有工作等着我做。 2.(work)工作;职责 to report for duty报到 Staff must report for duty as usual.员工必须像往常一样上班报到。 on duty (be working)policeman, nurse +在值班;在值勤;在当班 I'm on duty until 8 o'clock.我值班到八点。 There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium.体育馆内部及周边有2,250名警察执勤。 off duty不值班;不值勤;不当班 I'm off duty.我下班了。 Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home.四名警官已被通知停职在家休整。 to put sb on duty给某人排班;给某人安排任务 Extra staff had been put on duty.已安排更多的员工值班。 3.(tax)税;(进口)关税 Import duties still average 30%.进口税的平均水平仍为30%。 customs duties关税 the duty on sth…的税 The government increased the duty on petrol.政府提高了汽油税。 to pay duty on sth为…交税;为…纳税 4.(sense of obligation)责任心;责任感 I went only out of duty, but was fascinated.我只是出于责任感才去的, 但却着了迷。 5.(allegiance)恭敬;恭顺 filial duty孝道 6.<术语,英>(capacity)+of machine负载;负荷 7.<术语,英>(measure of efficiency)+of machine功率;能率 8.【农】(amount of water)灌溉率;灌溉量 9.to do duty for sth代替…履行职责;充当… a debased romanticism which does duty for thought充当思想的一种廉价的浪漫主义 duty²1.+ rota, roster值班的;值勤的 The duty rota had been pinned up.轮值表已经被钉起来了。 2.(on duty)+ solicitor, sergeant, vet在值班的;在值勤的;在上班的 Saturday's duty solicitor周六的当值事务律师 Her passport had been stamped and countersigned by the duty sergeant at the police station.她的护照已经被警局的值班警官盖章并会签了。 |
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