

单词 droop
释义 droop¹ /druːp/ vi.
1.(sag)plant +低垂;打蔫;eyelids, shoulders, breasts +下垂;moustache +弯曲向下;tail +耷拉

Pale wilting roses drooped from a blue vase.泛白凋零的玫瑰从蓝色的花瓶里垂下来。

Crook's eyelids drooped and he yawned.克鲁克眼皮下垂, 打了个哈欠。

I did eventually relax and allowed my head to droop.我终于放松下来, 垂下了头。

His thick black moustache drooped at the ends.他的八字胡又黑又密, 尾端下垂。

A cigarette drooped from his mouth.他嘴里叼着烟卷。

He let the muzzle of the gun droop.他把枪口垂下来。


Even Tony is beginning to droop.连托尼都开始体力不支了。

3.(lose heart)沮丧;灰心;消沉

My spirits started drooping.我的情绪开始消沉。

droop² /druːp/ n.
+of shoulders, mouth, eyelids下垂;低垂

the droop of his shoulders他低垂的肩膀

the disillusioned droop of his mouth他因失望而下垂的嘴角





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