

单词 drink
释义 drink¹ /drɪŋk/ n.
a cold drink冷饮

a hot drink热饮

to have a drink喝饮料
a drink of water一杯水
2.(something alcoholic)酒;酒精饮料

Fancy a drink?想喝杯酒吗?

She felt like a drink after a hard day.劳累一天之后, 她想喝杯酒。

to go out for a drink去喝酒

They've gone out for a drink.他们出去喝酒了。

to have a drink喝酒

I'm going to have a drink with some friends.我要出去和朋友们喝一杯。


Too much drink is bad for you.喝太多酒对健康有害。

to take to drinkorto turn to drink开始酗酒

Perhaps that is why people turn to drink.也许这就是人们开始酗酒的原因。

He took to drink after his wife died.他从妻子去世之后就开始酗酒。

to drive sb to drink使某人借酒浇愁

It was enough to drive anybody to drink.这足以让任何人为之借酒浇愁了。

to take a drink of sthorto have a drink of sth喝一口…

She took a drink of her whisky.她喝了一口威士忌。

You can dip that cup into the stream and take a drink of the pristine mountain water.你可以把杯子浸入溪水中, 舀一杯纯净的山泉水喝。

5.the drink<非正式>(the sea)
drink² /drɪŋk/(drinks,drinking,drank,drunk)
🄰 vt.
1.+ tea, coffee, beer喝;饮

Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么吗?

She drank three cups of tea.她喝了三杯茶。

2.to drink yourself silly/stupid/senseless喝得醉醺醺;喝得晕头转向

People go out and drink themselves stupid.人们出去喝酒, 把自己喝得醉醺醺的。

They preferred to drink themselves senseless.他们宁愿把自己喝得晕晕乎乎。

to drink yourself into oblivion喝得烂醉如泥;酩酊大醉

I tried to drink myself into oblivion.我试图大醉一场。

to drink yourself into a stupor喝得烂醉如泥;酩酊大醉

We drank ourselves into a stupor on cheap wine.我们喝廉价的葡萄酒喝得不省人事。

to drink yourself to death喝得不省人事

He was trying to drink himself to death.他试图把自己灌个烂醉如泥。

3.(use)+ fuel, petrol, oil消耗;耗费;+ water吸收

a car which drinks less fuel耗油量小的汽车

4.+ toast举杯喝

I'd like to drink a toast to our hostess.让我们为了女主人干杯。

🄱 vi.
1.person +喝;animal +
2.(drink alcohol)喝酒;饮酒

He was smoking and drinking too much.他抽烟喝酒都很严重。

I don't drink.我不喝酒。

to drink the health of sb为某人的健康干杯

when drinking the health of the Queen当为女王的健康干杯时

to drink sb under the table把某人喝趴下

At sixteen he could drink me under the table.他十六岁时酒量就胜过我了。

to drink with the flies<澳,非正式>独自喝酒;自斟自饮
Phrasal Verbsdrink away,drink down,drink in,drink to,drink up




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