

单词 drift
释义 drift¹ /drɪft/ n.
1.+of current漂流;飘移
2.(accumulation; on ground)+of snow, smoke吹积物;堆积物
a nine-foot drift of snow一座九英尺高的雪堆

There was a drift of smoke above the trees.树林上方有一团烟雾。

See alsosnowdrift
3.(movement of people)(人群的)流动, 涌动
the drift towards the cities涌向城市的人群
4.(general meaning)+of speech意义;主旨

I can follow the drift of the conversation.我能听懂谈话的大意。

to get sb's driftorto follow sb's driftorto catch sb's drift明白某人的意思

I catch your drift.我明白你的意思了。

Grace was beginning to get his drift.格雷斯开始明白他的意思了。


the directionless drift in their lives他们生活中的漫无目的、随波逐流

6.+of vessel, aircraft, projectile偏航;偏差
7.+of surface water水流;洋流
9.【地质】(unstratified deposit)(尤指冰川、冰原形成的)冰碛
10.【矿】(horizontal passage)沿脉平巷
11.+of moving animals(被驱赶的)畜群;牧群

a drift of cattle一群牛

13.【电子】(circuit, component)漂移
14.【语言】(gradual change)演变;变迁
drift² /drɪft/
🄰 vi.
1.(move with the current)boat, sailor +漂流;漂移

The waves became rougher as they drifted.他们在水中漂流的时候波浪变得更加汹涌。

to drift somewhere漂流到某处

We drifted up the river.我们向河的上游漂流。

2.(move with the wind)

The balloon drifted silently over the countryside.气球静静地飘过乡村。

Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.从室内的立体声音响里飘来清新的夏日舞曲。

3.(pile up)sand, snow +成堆;堆积

The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.除了堆积的地方, 雪只有小腿肚深。

4.(move aimlessly)无目的地移动;随意转变

There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting.人们普遍认为国家及其经济都在放任自由地运行。

You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.你一直盲目地换工作, 却从来没有真正投入进去。

to let things drift失控

As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村工厂遣散劳动力, 人们便向城市涌去。

My mind started to drift.我开始走神了。

🄱 vt.
1.(carry along)current +使漂流;使漂移

The tide drifted them down again.潮汐再一次把他们冲了下来。

2.(pile up)wind +使堆积
Phrasal Verbsdrift apart,drift away,drift into,drift off




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