

单词 double
释义 double¹ /ˈdʌbəl/ adj.
1.(times two)(大小、力量、数量等)双的, 两倍的

He was drinking a double whisky.他在喝一杯双份威士忌。

Three varieties: double toffee, double chocolate, and vanilla.三个种类:双份太妃糖、双份巧克力和香草冰激凌。


a lone skier gliding along smooth double tracks一位沿光滑的双轨独自滑行的滑雪者

an extremely nasty double murder一桩骇人听闻的双重谋杀案

3.(with numbers and letters)(数字)重复的, 两个的

Let me spell that out: three nine four double five two six.我把它念出来:3945526。

It's spelt with a double 'l'.拼写时有两个l。

4.(for two)+ bed, room双人的;+ garage有两种用途的

Bed and breakfast for £180 for two people in a double room.两人住的双人间费用为180英镑, 含房费和早餐。

5.(with two layers)折叠的;双层的

Use a double thickness of tissue.用一张双层加厚纸巾。

6.(with two meanings)+ meaning双关的;模棱两可的

It seemed to me that her excessive praise had a double meaning.在我看来, 她的过度赞美背后有两层意思。

9.【数】(of roots, integrals)二重的
10.【音】(of instruments)低八度的

a double bassoon低音大管

11.【音】(of metre)双拍子的
double² /ˈdʌbəl/ adv.
2.(two together)成双地;重叠地

I was dizzy, seeing double.我头晕, 看东西都是重影。

Am I seeing double or are those two identical twins?是我眼花了, 还是他们是同卵双胞胎?

3.(bent over)下弯地;弓身地
to bend double折叠
person +(因剧痛、大笑等而)弯着身子

Everyone was bent double in laughter.所有人都笑弯了腰。

Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.采花人弓着身子飞快地摘花。

double³ /ˈdʌbəl/ n.
1.(twice as much)(数字, 数量, 大小等的)两倍

If they think you're a tourist, they charge you double.如果他们觉得你是游客, 就会收你双倍的费用。

double in sizeordouble the size两倍大小

Let the loaves rise until they are double in size.让面包发酵到两倍大小。

tropical Queensland, more than double the size of Texas处于热带地区的昆士兰州, 面积是得克萨斯州的两倍还多

double in weightordouble the weight两倍重量
double the number两倍数量

Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.据报道, 利兹监狱的犯人数量几乎是其设计关押人数的两倍。

double that重复

Ten cases have been reported so far and it's expected to be double that next week.目前已上报10宗病例, 预计下周将会翻倍。

to cost double花费加倍

First-class tickets cost double.头等舱机票的价格加倍。

2.(double serving)一杯双份的烈酒

Whiskey please, and make it a double.来杯威士忌, 要双份的。

3.(in hotel)(旅馆中的)双人房间, 标准间

The Great Western Hotel costs around £60 a night for a double.大西部饭店的双人间一晚收费大约是60英镑。

4.(exact likeness)酷似的人;预备演员;替角
to be sb's double酷似某人

Your mother thinks you're his double.你母亲觉得你特别像他。

5.(doppelgänger)(传说人在垂死时出现的)活人灵魂, 幽灵
6.(sharp turn)回转;折回;急转弯
9.【体】(two successive goals, successes etc.)两次得分;两次获胜;双料冠军

a sixth successive league and cup double第六次连续获得联赛和杯赛双料冠军

10.【棒】(hit )二垒打
13.【赛马】复式投注(即下注于不同场次的两匹马, 第一场若有所赢则彩金会自动转投入第二场)
16.【游戏】(outermost ring)(标靶的)金色环
17.【游戏】(score in darts)金色环的投中
18.=double time
at the double<英>
on the double<美>迅速;立刻

Come to my office, please, at the double.请到我办公室来, 尽快。

He smelled the pizza and came running on the double.他闻到比萨饼味道, 马上跑了过来。

double⁴ /ˈdʌbəl/
🄰 vt.
1.(make twice as much)+ amount, weight, number使加倍

Most babies double their birth weight at five months.大多数婴儿五个月时体重升至出生时的两倍。

This will double the amount of money available.这样, 手上的钱就会翻倍。

2.(bend in two)折起, 对折(衣料、绷带等)

Double the card and tape it; do not staple.把这张卡片对折, 用胶带粘起来。不要用订书机钉。

3.(make fist)握紧(拳头)

He doubled his fists and began shouting.他握紧拳头, 大喊起来。

4.(join together)使结成对;使成双

Double this heading at the top of every right-hand column.在每个右栏的顶端复制这个标题。

9.【棋】(with pawns, rooks)使(同一方的两卒子或两个车)处于同一列上
🄱 vi.
1.(increase twofold)增一倍;成为两倍

The number of complaints has doubled.投诉量增加了一倍。

The number of attacks has doubled.袭击的次数翻了一倍。

The number of managers must double to 100 within three years.三年内, 经理人数必须翻倍增加到100人。

2.(turn sharply)急转弯;(道路)迂回曲折
to double on sth兼奏某乐器

She doubles on keyboards when needed but is mainly on vocals.必要时她会兼奏键盘乐器, 但主要还是以歌唱为主。

Phrasal Verbsdouble as,double back,double for,double over,double up




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