单词 | dock |
释义 | dock¹ 1.(wharf, pier)码头;船埠 cruise ships tied up in the dock拴在港口的游轮 He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminium boat.他在那里有一座房子、一个码头和一艘小铝船。 2.(area of water)港池;锚泊区 3.(platform)(运货汽车或铁路货车等装卸货物的)月台 The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.那辆卡车水龙带还连着就驶离装运月台了。 4.【动】(bone in tail)(尤指狗或绵羊的)尾基部 5.【动】(shortened tail)(断尾后的)尾根 6.【律】被告席 in the dock defendant +在被告席上 You have put an innocent man in the dock.你把一个无辜的人送上了被告席。 7.(Rumex plant)酸模属植物;羊蹄 8.(Silphium perfoliatum plant)串叶松香草 dock² 🄰 vi. 1.【海】(moor)(船)停靠码头 The vessel docked at Liverpool.船停靠在利物浦。 2.【海】(for repairs)(船)进入干船坞 The aircraft carrier docked for repairs.航空母舰停在干船坞里等待维修。 3.【航天】(link together)(两艘宇宙飞船在太空中)对接 to dock with sth spaceship +(航天器)与…对接 The space shuttle will dock with Mir.航天飞机将与“和平”号空间站对接。 🄱 vt. 1.【海】(moor)+ ship使(船)停靠码头 The sailors docked the ship.水手们将船停靠在码头。 2.【海】(for repairs)+ ship使(船)进入干船坞 The ship was docked for repairs in a Russian port.船停在一个俄罗斯港口的干船坞等待维修。 3.【航天】(link together)+ spacecraft使(两艘宇宙飞船在太空中)对接 They docked the craft alongside the space station.他们让宇宙飞船与空间站对接。 4.【行业】(cut)+ money, wages扣(钱);从(工资)中扣除 He threatened to dock her wages.他威胁说要扣她的工资。 They docked a third of his wages.他们扣掉了他三分之一的工资。 5.【兽医】+ animal, animal's tail断(尾), 给(动物)断尾 |
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