

单词 do
释义 do¹ /duː/ n.( 复dosordo's)
(formal gathering)集会

She missed his birthday do in December.她错过了他12月的生日聚会。

dos and don'ts注意事项;规矩

the dos and don'ts of web design网页设计的注意事项

do² /duː; də/ aux. vb.(does,doing,did,done,don't,doesn't,didn't)
1.(in negative constructions)(与not连用构成否定句)

I don't understand.我不明白。

Why didn't you come?你为什么没来?

2.(in questions)(置于主语前, 构成疑问句)

Do you like French food?你喜欢法国菜吗?

Do you agree?你同意吗?

What do you do in your free time?你闲暇时间做什么?

Where did you go for your holidays?你假期去了哪里?

Why didn't you come?你为什么没来?

3.(in question tags)(用于附加疑问句)

You go swimming on Fridays, don't you?你每周五去游泳, 是不是?

The bus stops at the youth hostel, doesn't it?公交车在青年旅舍停, 是不是?

4.(when answering questions)(用于代替具体动词或动词词组回答疑问句)
yes, I do是, 我是

Do you work here?—Yes, I do.你在这工作吗?——是的, 我是。

no, I don't不, 我不

Do you like horses?—No I don't.你喜欢马吗?——不, 我不喜欢。

5.(following 'so', 'neither', 'nor')(与so、neither或nor连用, 代替具体动词或动词词组)

I hate maths.—So do I.我讨厌数学。——我也是。

I didn't like the film.—Neither did I.我不喜欢那部电影。——我也不喜欢。

She did not regret it, and nor did they.她没有后悔, 他们也不后悔。

6.(used to avoid repeating verb)(代替具体动词或动词词组以避免重复)

She swims better than I do.她比我游泳游得好。

Who broke it?—I did.谁把它打碎的?——是我打碎的。

7.(used for emphasis)(用于加强肯定语气或命令语气)

Do sit down.请坐。

Do help yourself.请自便。

I do wish I could go.我真希望我可以去。

But I do like it!但是我真的喜欢!

8.(in inverted constructions)(用于倒装句)

Little did I know what they were planning.对于他们当时在计划什么我了解甚少。

Seldom did she send a book to her publishers in its final form.她很少以终稿的形式把书稿发给出版商。

do³ /duː/(does,doing,did,done)
🄰 vt.
1.+ activity, chore, task做;干

I do a lot of cycling.我经常骑自行车。

I haven't done my homework.我还没有做作业。

to do the cooking做饭
to do the ironing熨烫衣服
to do the housework做家务
to do the washing-uporto do the dishes洗碗;刷碗
2.(referring back to another verb)(在提到某动词词组后用于代替另外的动词词组, 亦可用于指代前一句中提到的动词词组)

Think carefully before doing anything.做任何事之前要三思。

I sat down, and Elena did the same.我坐了下来, 埃琳娜也坐下来。

3.(be busy, active)忙于;从事

What are you doing this evening?你今晚忙什么?

nothing to do无事可做

There is nothing to do around here.这附近没什么事情可做。

4.to do sth with sth

I've no idea what I will do with the money.我不知道我要用这笔钱做些什么。

5.to do sth about sb/sth
(to solve problem)对…采取某行动

The Party doesn't seem to know what to do about its embattled leader.该党看来不知道该怎样处理这位四面楚歌的领导人。

6.(talking about effects)引起;造成

Such incidents do nothing to improve their reputation.此类事件不会提高他们的声誉。

to do sb good给某人带来好的影响

A holiday will do you good.休假会对你有好处。

to do sth to sb给某人带来某种影响

I could see what living with Brian was doing to her.我能看出与布赖恩一起生活给她带来了怎样的影响。

7.to do sth for sth做某事度过某段时光
8.(visit)+ city, museum参观;游览

I want to do Westminster Abbey when we're in London.等我们到了伦敦, 我想参观威斯敏斯特大教堂。

9.(indicating speed)以…速度行进

The car was doing 100.这辆汽车当时的时速是100。

10.(clean, tidy)使整洁;洗涤;整理

I must do the bedrooms before the guests arrive.我必须在客人到达之前把卧室收拾干净。

11.<非正式>+ period of time(做某工作等)度过(一段时间)

He did three years in the army.他在部队服役3年。

12.<非正式>(take)+ heroin, cocaine吸食

I don't do drugs.我不吸毒。

13.(provide, sell)供应;销售

This restaurant doesn't do lunch on Sundays.这家餐馆周日不提供午餐。

14.(indicating personal grooming)打扮;整理妆容

I've just got to do my hair and brush my teeth.我得梳梳头刷刷牙。

I still have to wash my hair and do my nails.我还得洗头发、修指甲。

15.+ problem, puzzle解决;解答

I can't do this question. Can you help me?我不会解这道题。你能帮我吗?

16.(work at)从事

What does your father do?你父亲干什么工作?


Richard's doing engineering at the University of Leeds.理查德在利兹大学攻读工程专业。

18.(perform)+ play演出

We're doing 'Macbeth' as our school play this term.我们在演出《麦克白》, 这是这学期的校园剧。

19.(travel)+ distance行过;走过

We've done over 1,000 miles in two days.我们两天时间已经走了1,000多英里。

20.(as prison sentence)服(刑期)

He's doing three years for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫服刑三年。

to do time服刑

That lawyer is now doing time in an Australian prison.那个律师目前在澳大利亚的监狱中服刑。


You paid how much? You've been done, mate!你付了多少钱?你被骗了, 伙计!

22.criminal +抢劫

They did three shops last night.他们昨晚抢劫了三家店铺。

23.to do sb for sth<非正式>(catch and punish)因…逮捕某人
to be done for sth因…被逮捕

Have you ever been done for speeding?你有没有因为超速行驶而被逮到过?

to get done for sth因…被逮捕
24.<澳,俚>+ money输光;花光;亏光

He pointed at me and said, 'Next time I'll do you.'他指着我说:“下次我会狠狠揍你一顿。”

26.<冒犯>(have sex with)+ woman与…性交;和…上床
27.<非正式>(be good enough for)适合;满足…的需求

What would you like to eat?—Anything'll do me.你想吃什么?——什么都可以。

28.<非正式>+ meal享用;吃

Hey, let's do lunch next week.嗨, 我们下星期一起吃午饭吧。

to do a sb/sth模仿某人/某物
🄱 vi.
1.(act, behave)做;行动

Look, do as I do.看着, 跟着我做。


How did I do?我表现怎么样?

to do well/fine干得好

The business is doing fine.公司经营良好。

She did well in the exam.她考试考得不错。

to do badly做得不好

Patrick did badly in the maths test.帕特里克数学考试考得很糟。

3.<非正式>(talking about health)(用于陈述或询问健康状况)

Hi, Adam, how are you doing?嗨, 亚当, 你好吗?

Mum's not doing well – she was back at the doctor's yesterday.妈妈身体不太好——她昨天又去看医生了。

4.(be sufficient)足够;合适

Will £10 do?10英镑够吗?

It's not very good, but it'll do.这不是很好, 但也可以。

to be done for处境艰难

We need his help or we're done for.我们需要他的帮助, 不然我们就完了。

can do without sth<口>不喜欢…;不想要…

I can do without getting up at 3 a.m. every morning.我不愿意每天早上三点起床。

could do with sth<口>(would like)想要;需要

I could do with a drink.我想喝一杯。

We could do with some help.我们需要些帮助。


The car could do with a wash.这辆汽车需要清洗。

sb doesn't do …<非正式>某人不愿做…

He doesn't do small talk.他不喜欢闲聊。

to doordie不成功毋宁死;拼命干;最后一搏
to have nothing to do with sb/sthornot to have anything to do with sb/sth
(have no involvement with)person +与…无关

They had nothing to do with the attack.他们与这次袭击无关。

I won't have anything to do with it.我不想与其有任何瓜葛。

(be irrelevant to)matter, business +与…无关
(be no concern of)不关…的事

That's none of your business; it has nothing to do with you.那不关你的事, 与你毫无关系。

to have to do with sthorto be to do with sth
(be related to)和某物有关系;和某事有牵连

What has that got to do with it?那和这个事有什么关系?

They were shouting at each other. It was something to do with money.他们相互大喊大叫, 是关于钱的事情。

how do you do?<正式,口>您好!(常用于与他人初次见面被介绍时)

Clarissa, this is my colleague, John Harris.—How do you do, John? —How do you do?克拉丽莎, 这是我的同事, 约翰•哈里斯。——您好, 约翰!——您好!

to make do将就着使用;凑合着用
nothing doing<非正式>(nothing happening)什么也没干成;毫无成果

Any luck yet, Paddy?—Nah, nothing doing tonight, Frank.帕迪, 有进展吗?——没, 弗兰克, 今晚毫无成果。

that does it<口>好了;行了;够了
that will do!<口>够了!
what does sb do with sb/sth
(talking about arrangements)某人如何安排某人

What do you do with the children when you're working late?你下班晚的时候孩子们怎么办?

(talking about using something)某人如何处理某事物

What do you do with all the leftovers?剩菜剩饭怎么处理?

what sb does with himself/herself某人做什么打发时间

What do you do with yourself when you're at home all day?你整天待在家里的时候都干些什么?

what has sb done with sthorwhat did sb do with sth<口>某人把某物放在哪儿

What did you do with that notebook?你把那个笔记本放哪里了?

I don't know what I've done with it.我不知道我把它放在那里了。

what is sb/sth doing here<口>(用于问句)…怎么会在这儿
what is sb doing with sth<口>(用于问句)怎么会有…

What are you doing with my mobile?你怎么会拿着我的手机?

what is sb going to do with sb/sth<口>某人该拿…怎么办(常含恼怒意味)

You've done it again! I don't know. What are we going to do with you?你又这样!我不知道。我们怎么处置你呢?

Phrasal Verbsdo away with,do down,do for,do in,do into,do out,do out of,do over,do up,do without
do⁴ abbr.
1.(Internet domain name)=Dominican Republic(多米尼加共和国因特网域名)
do⁵ /dəʊ/ n.( 复dos)
=doh, 1




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