

单词 egg
释义 egg¹ /eɡ/ n.
1.+of hen, duck(家禽的)蛋

Break the eggs into a shallow bowl.把鸡蛋打到一个浅碗里。

bacon and eggs咸肉加蛋

a boiled egg煮蛋
a hard-boiled egg煮得老的蛋
a soft-boiled egg煮得嫩的蛋
a fried egg煎蛋
a poached egg荷包蛋
scrambled eggs炒蛋
2.+of bird, reptile, fish, insect卵;蛋

ant eggs蚂蚁卵

3.(ovum)(女性、雌性动物的)卵, 卵子, 卵细胞

It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.让卵子受精只需一个精子。

4.(egg-shaped thing)卵状物;蛋形物
a chocolate egg一颗巧克力蛋
5.a bad egg<过时,非正式>坏蛋;坏人;坏家伙
bad egg!真他妈的!真见鬼!
6.a good egg<过时,非正式>好人;正人君子
good egg!太好了!太棒了!
7.to have all your eggs in one basketorto put all your eggs in one basket把所有的蛋放在一个篮子里;把所有希望寄托在一件事情上;孤注一掷

The key word here is diversify; don't put all your eggs in one basket.关键是要采取多元化策略;不要孤注一掷。

8.to have egg on your face出洋相;出丑

If we can win today, a few people will have egg on their face.如果我们今天赢了, 那么一些人就会出丑。

If they take this game lightly they could end up with egg on their faces.如果他们对这场比赛掉以轻心, 结果很可能会出丑。

9.to lay an egg<俚,主美,加拿大>搞砸;彻底失败

The cast laid an egg in both performances.演员们把两次表演都演砸了。

His joke laid an egg and no one laughed.他的笑话太失败了, 一个人也没笑。

10.to teach your grandmother to suck eggs班门弄斧;多此一举

I don't want to teach my grandmother to suck eggs, but isn't your first priority to check if he could have done it?我不想多此一举, 但是难道你的当务之急不是先去查一查他是否已经做完了呢?

egg² /eɡ/ vt.
1.+ food(烹饪前)把…裹上蛋液

Egg the fish and dip it in breadcrumbs.把鱼裹上蛋液, 然后蘸上面包屑。

2.(throw eggs at)向…扔鸡蛋

The kid next door had egged her house.隔壁的小孩朝她的房子扔了鸡蛋。

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