

单词 dispensation
释义 dispensation /ˌdɪspenˈseɪʃən/ n.
1.(special permission)特许

A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned.也许能从国内的相关协会获得特许。

The committee was not prepared to use its discretion and grant special dispensation.委员会并不准备使用其自由裁量权来给予特批。

to have dispensation to do sth得到特许做某事

He has special dispensation to take up the job.他得到特许, 可以从事这份工作。

to give dispensation to do sth特许做某事

Air traffic controllers gave them special dispensation to fly out immediately.空中交通管制员特许他们立即飞离。

dispensation from military service免服兵役的特许

They were promised dispensation from military service.他们得到承诺, 可以免服兵役。

2.<正式>(issuing, dispensing)+of justice执行;+of drugs分发;发放

We have applied consistent standards in the dispensation of justice.在执法过程中, 我们采用了始终如一的标准。

We need to control the dispensation of drugs.我们需要控制药品的配发。

3.(something distributed)分配物;分发物

The new dispensation proved a success, certainly with the business community.新体制证明是成功的, 当然是就商界而言。

5.【史】(permission to dipsense with law)豁免;赦免
7.【宗】(ordering of life and events)天命;天意;神的安排
8.【宗】(divine decree)神旨
9.【宗】(religious system)(被视为神授的)教规




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