

单词 disgrace
释义 disgrace¹ /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ n.
1.(condition of shame)耻辱;丢脸;不光彩

She has brought disgrace upon her family.她使家里人蒙羞。

to be in disgrace丢脸;不光彩

Two years ago he was in disgrace, sent home from the European Championship after attacking another player.两年前他在欧洲锦标赛上对另一名选手动粗, 之后被迫打道回府, 颜面尽失。

to be sent home in disgrace被不光彩地遣返回家

He was not sent home in disgrace; instead, he was made a military governor.他没有被丢人现眼地遣返, 相反, 他被任命为军事长官。

to resign in disgrace不光彩地辞职

The president had to resign in disgrace.总统不得不灰溜溜地辞职了。

2.(shameful person or thing)丢脸的事;不名誉的事;让人蒙羞的人

The way the case was handled was a disgrace.这个案件的处理方式是不名誉的。

The national airline is a disgrace.国家航空公司真可耻。

it's a disgrace!太丢脸了!

Speaking of the prison, he said, 'It's a disgrace.'提到监狱, 他说:“这是个耻辱。”

to be a disgrace to sb/sth对…来说很丢脸

You are a disgrace to us.你给我们丢脸了。

She is a disgrace to the party.她是党的耻辱。

3.(exclusion from confidence)失宠;失势

He is in disgrace with his father.他在他父亲那里失宠了。

disgrace² /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ vt.
1.(bring shame upon)+ family, organization, name使蒙羞;给…带来耻辱

She disgraced her family.她令家人蒙羞。

I have disgraced my family's name.我玷污了家族的名声。

to disgrace yourself使自己丢脸

I've disgraced myself by my actions.我的行为是自取其辱。

2.(treat with disfavour)使受冷遇;使失宠;使失势

He was disgraced for refusing to act against the interests of his religion.他因拒绝做违背自己宗教利益的事而受冷遇。





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