

单词 discord
释义 discord¹ /ˈdɪskɔːd/ n.

I don't want to introduce a note of discord into the evening.我不想给今晚掺入任何一丝不和谐的因素。

discord between sb and sb某人与某人之间的不和

The leadership was trying to sow discord between the two factions.这个领导层正在设法煽动这个派别。

discord over sth某事物上的分歧

Discord over agricultural policy threatens to overshadow the summit.农业政策上的分歧给这次峰会蒙上了阴影。

2.(harsh sounds)噪声;刺耳的声音

There is a lot of discord in the piece.这乐曲里有很多噪声。

3.【音】(dissonant combination of notes)不协和和弦

The piece ends with a crashing discord.乐曲以一个刺耳的不协和和弦结束。

discord² /ˈdɪskɔːd/ vi.

They discorded and he blamed her for all the evil that befell him.他们吵了一架, 他把自己所遭受的不幸都归咎于她。





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