

单词 disadvantage
释义 disadvantage¹ /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ n.
1.(unfavourable situation)不利因素;不利条件;不利环境

His two main rivals suffer a serious disadvantage.他的两个主要竞争对手处于极其不利的地位。

The disadvantages outweigh the advantages.弊大于利

2.<正式>(injury, loss)损害;损失;损伤

There could be no disadvantage to you in subscribing to the scheme.同意这个方案不会对你有任何不利。

3.at a disadvantage处于不利境地

Pupils with poor memories were at a disadvantage.记忆力不好的孩子处于劣势。

England's players would be left at a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world.与世界其他地区的运动员相比, 英格兰的运动员将处于不利境地。

4.to sb's disadvantage对某人不利

A snap election would be to their disadvantage.提前选举会对他们不利。

Depression is the third thing that works to my patients' disadvantage.抑郁是威胁我的病人健康的第三大因素。

disadvantage² /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ vt.

If you don't have any relevant experience, it's bound to disadvantage you.如果你没有任何相关经验, 那肯定对你不利。





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