

单词 dirt
释义 dirt /dɜːt/ n.
1.(muck)(皮肤、衣服、物体上的)烂泥, 灰尘, 污物

I started to scrub off the dirt.我开始擦洗上面的灰尘。

She's got dirt all over her nice new shoes.她漂亮的新鞋上满是烂泥。

to show the dirt显脏

These carpets are tough and don't show the dirt.这些地毯厚实又耐脏。

I love white clothes, but they do show the dirt.我喜欢白色的衣服, 但是它们不耐脏。


They sat on the dirt under a tree.他们坐在树下的泥土地上。

3.【体】(packed surface)(用泥土、沙砾、煤渣等铺成的)泥地(赛道)

racing on dirt泥地赛

4.【矿】(containing minerals)矿砂;矿土
5.<非正式>(scandalous material)丑闻;流言蜚语

She spent a lot of her time poring over the scandal magazines looking for dirt.她花了很多时间研究八卦杂志里的绯闻。

dirt on sb关于某人的丑闻

Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her.史蒂夫一心想要搜罗关于她的一切丑闻。

Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on their opponents.双方都用电脑搜集对手的丑事。

6.(obscene material)脏话;下流话;淫秽作品

My mother says she won't have this kind of dirt in the house.我妈说不许在家里讲这种脏话。

7.(worthless person or thing)无足轻重的人;没有价值的东西;废物

As far as they are concerned, people like us are dirt.在他们看来, 我们这样的人无足轻重。

8.(moral corruption)堕落;腐化;道德败坏

wallowing in dirt and seemingly unworried about the fate of his soul他甘于堕落, 似乎并不在意灵魂的下场

9.to do sb dirt<俚>恶意中伤某人;卑鄙地伤害某人

waiting for a chance to do you dirt when you're looking the other way乘你不备伺机恶意中伤你

10.to dish the dirt<尤英,非正式>说人坏话;中伤;散布流言蜚语

Everyone was waiting to see if his biographer would dish the dirt.大家都等着看他的传记作者是否会说他的八卦。

to dish the dirt on sb说某人坏话;揭某人的短

He dishes the dirt on his buddies.他说自己搭档的闲话。

It's another case of a disgruntled employee dishing the dirt on her employer.这又是一个心怀不满的员工说雇主闲话的例子。

11.to eat dirt<俚>忍辱含垢;忍气吞声;忍受屈辱

Nobody wants to be hauled before the court of public opinion and forced to eat dirt.没人想被送上舆论法庭, 被迫忍气吞声。

12.to treat sb like dirt视某人如草芥;瞧不起某人

People think they can treat me like dirt and get away with it.大家以为可以随随便便地瞧不起我。

He treats his wife like dirt.他不把妻子当人看。





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