

单词 die
释义 die¹ /daɪ/(dies,dying,died)
🄰 vi.
1.person, animal, plant +死;死亡

The plants all died in the drought.大旱之中植物都枯死了。

She lost all her money and died a pauper.她失去了所有的钱, 死时贫困交加。

A year later my dog died.一年后我的狗死了。

to be dying垂死;奄奄一息

He's dying.他快死了。

The trees are all dying.这些树全都奄奄一息了。

to die of sthorto die from sth死于…;因…而死

My mother died of a heart attack.我母亲死于心脏病发作。

She's dying of cancer.她患了癌症, 就要不久于人世了。

2.(come to an end)消失;不复存在;结束

True love never dies.真爱永存。

The memory of what they did shall not be allowed to die.他们的事迹值得人们永远铭记。

3.(stop working)engine +停止运行;停止运转

The engine coughed, spluttered, and died.发动机咔咔作响, 接着又发出一阵噼啪声, 然后就彻底熄火了。

to die on sb<非正式>在某人使用时损坏

The bloody phone died on me when I went to make the call.我去打电话时那该死的电话坏在了我手里。

4.(fade away)wind +逐渐减弱;light +逐渐暗淡;sound +逐渐微弱

The wind died as suddenly as it had sprung up.风突然刮了起来, 又突然停息了。

Her cigarette glowed brightly, then died.她的香烟发出明亮的光, 然后熄灭了。

Kathryn looked down at the floor and the smile died on her lips.凯瑟琳低头看着地板, 嘴角的笑容消失了。

His voice died to a murmur.他说话的声音逐渐变弱, 变成了嘟哝。

5.(be nearly overcome)几乎受不了;(…得)要命

Ron nearly died when he heard what it was going to cost.罗恩听到需要付出的代价, 差点儿没背过气去。

to die of sth…得要命;…得要死

Order me a pot of tea, I'm dying of thirst.给我来壶茶, 我快渴死了。

I nearly died of shame.我羞愧难当。

I thought I'd die laughing.我觉得我快要笑死了。

6.【宗】(to lack spiritual life)(灵魂)死亡
🄱 vt.

The woman had clearly died a violent death.那名妇女显然是暴死的。

His mother died an agonizing death.他母亲在痛苦的煎熬中死去。

to die a natural death自然死亡

I don't think Tracy died a natural death.我认为特蕾西不是自然死亡。

2.to be dying for sth非常渴望…;极想要…

I'm dying for a breath of fresh air.我非常渴望呼吸到新鲜空气。

I'm dying for a drink.我极想喝点东西。

You know what it's like when you're dying for someone to pay you a compliment and nobody does.当你非常渴望得到别人的赞美却没人这么做时, 你知道那是什么滋味。

3.to be dying to do sth非常渴望做某事;极想做某事

I'm dying to see the new house.我很想看到新房子。

Sarah has been dying to meet you, haven't you, Sarah?萨拉一直很想见你。是吧, 萨拉?

4.to die a deathorto die the death失败;终未实现;没有结果

That idea died the death because nobody on the committee would back it.由于委员会中无人支持, 那个想法没有实现。

5.to die for<非正式>好得要死的;妙极了的

a salary to die for极具诱惑力的薪水

There are some hats in the catalogue that are absolutely to die for.商品目录里有些帽子漂亮得要命。

6.to die hard难改掉;难消灭

Old habits die hard.积习难改。

Such prejudices die hard.这些偏见难以根除。

7.to die in harness工作(或在职)时死去

Bill is still working at the age of 82 and says he wants to die in harness.比尔82岁了还在工作, 他说想要一直干到死的那一天。

8.never say die<非正式>别气馁;别灰心

Never say die, old chap, there's still a chance she'll change her mind.别气馁, 老兄, 她还是有可能回心转意的。

Phrasal Verbsdie away,die back,die down,die off,die out,die to
die² /daɪ/ n.
1.( 复dice)
(single dice)骰子;色子
2.( 复dies)【工】(shaped metal block)冲模;压模
3.( 复dies)【工】(tool to reduce thickness of wires etc)拉丝模
4.( 复dies)【工】(tool to cut threads)板牙
5.( 复dies)【工】(mould)铸模;对模
6.( 复dies)【建】(dado of pedestal)方形柱脚;方形墩身;小柱脚台座
7.as straight as a die绝对诚实的;非常正直的

Everyone knew that Hubert was as straight as a die.大家都知道休伯特绝对诚实。

8.the die is cast事已定局;木已成舟

It was too late and too urgent to turn back. The die was cast.现在为时已晚, 来不及回头了。事情已成定局。





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