

单词 design
释义 design¹ /dɪˈzaɪn/ n.

He has a flair for design.他颇具设计天赋。

graphic and industrial design平面设计和工业设计

See alsofashion design industrial design
2.(way sth is planned and made)设计;布局;安排

The shoes were of good design.这些鞋样式新颖。

the awkward design of the kitchen厨房的蹩脚设计

3.(concept; for product, model)设想;理念;构思

His design was rejected.他的设计方案落选了。

It's a completely new design.这是个完全别出心裁的构思。

an exclusive design高档艺术作品

Tables are decorated with a sunflower design.这些桌子饰有向日葵图案。

6.(preliminary drawing)设计图;草图;图样

They drew up the design for the house in a week.他们在一周内就画出了房子的图样。

7.(idea, proposal)计划;规划;方案

The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。


Is there some design in having him in the middle?让他待在中间是不是有什么用意?

a report suggesting the country harbours designs against us暗指该国对我国图谋不轨的报道

9.(not chaos)条理清楚的模式;目标明确的方式
intelligent design智能设计

God's design上帝的安排

10.argument from design【哲】=teleological argument
11.by design故意地;有意地

They met at first by chance, later by design.他们见面一开始是偶然的, 后来就是有意安排的了。

12.to have designs against sth对…图谋不轨

We have no designs against Iraq other than to force them out of Kuwait.我们对伊拉克没有任何企图, 只想把他们赶出科威特。

13.to have designs on sth/sb打…的主意;图谋得到…

Greece claimed it had no designs on the area.希腊声称对该地区没有任何企图。

design² /dɪˈzaɪn/ comp.

The website won't win any design awards.这个网页是不会赢得任何设计大奖的。

design³ /dɪˈzaɪn/ vt.
1.(plan and make)+ machine, clothes设计

They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.他们想设计出既好看又实用的机器。

He designed it as a rectangular silver plate.他将其设计成了一个长方形的银盘子。

See alsowell-designed
2.(draw sketch for)画…的设计图;打…的图样;画…的草图

She came in while I was designing the dresses.她进来时我正在画服装设计图。

3.(work out plan for)+ plan, service计划;策划;谋划

Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians.计算机安全系统将由独立的技术人员开发。

We are designing it as a 45-minute test.我们计划将此作为一个时长45分钟的测试。

4.to be designed for sth
(intended for)为了某目的;用作某物

footwear that is designed for use by joggers为慢跑者设计的运动鞋

(aimed at)针对某人;以某人为目标

It's not designed for adults.这不是为成年人设计的。

(aimed at doing)旨在…;目的是…

This project is designed to help homeless people.这一项目旨在帮助无家可归的人。





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