

单词 descend
释义 descend /dɪˈsend/
🄰 vt.
<正式>(go down)+ stairs, ladder, slope, hill走下

She descended one flight of stairs.她走下了一段楼梯。

Jo started to descend the steps.乔开始下台阶。

🄱 vi.
1.(lead down)hill, slope, path +下斜;下倾

The road descends to the dunes.这条路向下通往沙丘。

A spiral staircase descends to the lower ground floor.螺旋式楼梯向下延伸至底层。

2.(move down)下降;下落

The plane began to descend.飞机开始下降。

We descended to the cellar.我们下到了地窖中。

3.(by ancestry)是…的后裔;是…的后代;遗传自…
to descend from sb/sth起源于…;是…的后裔

Birds descend from dinosaurs.鸟类是恐龙的后代。

4.(be inherited)被继承;被世代相传

English inheritance descends through the male line.英国人是通过男性世代继承的。

5.to descend to sth

We're not going to descend to such methods.我们是不会沦落到去使用这种手段的。

to descend to doing sth堕落到做某事的地步

She's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.她是个自尊心很强的人, 绝不会自贬身份去写匿名信。


In mid-March, the crowds begin to descend.三月中旬, 人群开始大批涌入。

7.(set)sun, moon +下落;落山

The sun began to descend to the horizon.太阳开始朝着地平线下沉了。

I gazed at the full moon descending lazily behind the mountains.我看着满月缓缓地落到山后。

8.night, darkness, dusk +降临;来临

Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.夜幕现在已经降临, 晴朗的天空里月影婆娑, 星光朦胧。

9.to descend into sth

He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.他的统治最终被推翻, 整个国家陷入了混乱。

Phrasal Verbsdescend on,descend upon




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