

单词 depressed
释义 depressed /dɪˈprest/ adj.

He seemed somewhat depressed.他看起来有点郁闷。

I was depressed that I couldn't go to New York.不能去纽约让我很郁闷。

to be depressed about sth因…而沮丧

She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation.整个境况使她感到极其沮丧和不快。

She was depressed about breaking up with her boyfriend.因为和男朋友分手了, 她非常郁闷。

to be depressed at sth对…感到沮丧

Maybe we were just depressed at the prospect of doing all that homework.可能我们只是对得完成所有的作业这件事而感到郁闷。

He was so depressed at being rejected by the club.因为被那个俱乐部拒绝了, 他非常沮丧。

to feel depressed感到郁闷

I'm feeling depressed.我现在情绪很低落。

to get depressed变得消沉

He got very depressed after he was made redundant.被解雇之后, 他变得很消沉。

to become depressed变得消沉

I was becoming increasingly depressed.我变得越来越消沉。


A depressed mother is terribly bad for the baby's welfare.母亲患有抑郁症对婴儿的成长非常不利。

to become depressed患上抑郁症

Up to 12 per cent of women become severely depressed after childbirth.多达12%的妇女会在产后患严重的抑郁症。

He became so depressed that he stopped eating.他抑郁得很厉害, 连饭都不吃了。

to be clinically depressed被诊断患抑郁症
3.(run-down)+ area经济困难的;贫穷的;落后的

the effects of living in depressed inner-city areas住在贫穷的中心城区的后果

legislation to encourage investment in depressed areas鼓励向经济困难地区投资的立法

4.【经】+ market, trade, industry萧条的;疲软的;不景气的

an estimated £3.5 m shortfall because of the depressed equity markets因股市低迷造成的估计为350万英镑的亏空

The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was.建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。

prices, industry +持续低迷

Commodity prices remain depressed.商品价格依旧低迷。

The cotton industry in Britain remained depressed.英国的棉花业持续低迷。

5.(low)+ valley, basin, point凹陷的;低陷的

narrow depressed valleys and basins狭小的低谷和盆地

Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body.指压按摩是指用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。

where the skull is fracturedordepressed头骨开裂或凹陷的地方




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