

单词 definition
释义 definition /ˌdefɪˈnɪʃən/缩写为def. n.
1.(meaning)+of word定义

There is no clear definition of schizophrenia.精神分裂症没有明确的定义。

There is no general agreement on a standard definition of intelligence.智力的标准定义是什么, 人们还没有形成一致意见。

by definition本质上

Fashion is by definition fickle.时尚本身就是变幻无常的。

Human perception is by definition subjective.人的感知在本质上是主观的。

2.(act of defining)(对单词、词语等的)下定义
3.(distinctness)+of idea, image清晰;明显

Give your brows extra definition with an eyebrow pencil.用眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。

The speakers criticized his new programme for lack of definition.几位发言者批评他的新方案不够清楚明确。

to lack definition不清晰

Their foreign policy lacks definition.他们的外交政策含糊不明。

The faces in the picture lack definition.照片中的面孔不清晰。

5.【光】(image clarity)清晰度




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