

单词 aim
释义 aim¹ /eɪm/ n.
political aims政治目的

The aim of the festival is to raise money.这个节庆的目的是筹款。

Her aim is to work in London.她的目标是在伦敦工作。

2.(with gun, stone, arrow)瞄准;准头

He was leaning against a tree to steady his aim.他靠在树上以便稳稳地瞄准。

His aim is very bad.他的准头很差。

to take aim瞄准;对准

Roger picked up a stone, took aim, and threw it.罗杰捡起一块石头, 瞄准目标扔了出去。

to miss your aim没打中目标

She shot at him to wound him, missed her aim and killed him.她向他开枪想把他打伤, 但是手一偏把他打死了。

to take aim at sth/sb
(try to hit)瞄准某物/某人;对准某物/某人

A man with a shotgun was taking aim at the deer.一名男子拿猎枪瞄准了那头鹿。

The two men took aim at each other.那两个男人互相瞄准对方。


Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators in the Carolinas.共和党战略家把批评的矛头对准了南北卡罗来纳州的民主党参议员。

with the aim of doing sth以做某事为目的;为了做某事

This keen cook is collecting recipes with the aim of one day publishing them.这个热衷厨艺的厨师正在搜集菜谱, 想着有朝一日能够出版。

aim² /eɪm/
🄰 vt.
1.(point)+ gun, camera, missile把…对准;把…瞄准
to aim sth at sb把某物对准某人

He aimed the gun at me.他把枪对准了我。

to aim sth at sth把某物对准某物

a missile aimed at the arms factory对准兵工厂的导弹

2.(direct)+ message, criticism, remark, campaign使针对;使指向
to aim sth at sb把…针对某人

The judge aimed his remarks at journalists.法官这些话是针对记者说的。

to be aimed at sb针对某人

His remarks are aimed at his father.他的话针对的是他父亲。

3.(set out to achieve)plan, talks, appeal +目的在于;旨在
to aim to do sth旨在做某事

an appeal which aims to raise funds for children with special needs旨在为有特殊需要的孩子筹款的呼吁

be aimed at doing sth旨在做某事

talks aimed at ending the nine-year-old war旨在结束这场九年战争的会谈

4.(strive)person +致力于;力求;力争
to aim to do sth力争做某事

I aim to work hard and get a good degree.我要争取刻苦学习, 拿个好学位。

5.<非正式>(intend)person +打算;想要
to aim to do sth打算做某事

I didn't aim to get caught.我不是故意想被抓住的。

6.+ kick, blow, punch把…挥向(或踢向)

He aimed a punch at my jaw.他对准我的下巴打了一拳。

🄱 vi.
1.to aim for sthorto aim at sth

Mr Martin said he was aiming at a target of 1,000 outlets, to be opened over the next three years.马丁先生说他要力争做到在三年内开一千家直销店。

Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth.企业将需要致力于长期的发展。

We're aiming at a deadline of July 2010.我们力求在2010年7月完成。

to aim at doing sth致力于做某事;力争做某事

We're aiming at reducing taxation over the next two years.我们力求在今后两年减税。

2.(direct weapon, camera etc.)(武器、照相机等)瞄准, 对准

Aim low and bring your target down.向低处瞄准, 击倒目标。

to aim at sborto aim for sb瞄准某人;对准某人

I wasn't aiming for you!我针对的不是你!

to aim at sthorto aim for sth瞄准某物;对准某物

He aimed at a passing car and fired.他瞄准一辆驶过的车, 开了枪。

Aim for the same spot.对准同一个点。

to aim high胸怀大志

She's the sort of girl who always aims high.她这个姑娘素来胸怀大志。





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