

单词 date
释义 date¹ /deɪt/ n.
1.(day of month)日期;日子

Today's date is October 27.今天是10月27日。

You will need to give the dates you wish to stay.需要提供想要入住的起止日期。

what's the date today?orwhat's today's date?今天几号?
See alsoclosing date
2.(day or year of event)(某一事件发生的)日期, 年份

The date of the Norman Conquest was 1066.诺曼征服的年份是1066年。

No date was announced for the talks.没有宣布进行会谈的日期。

3.(unspecified time)在过去的某一天;在将来的某个时候

Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date.要保留好所有信件的副本, 日后可能会用到。

He did leave open the possibility of direct American aid at some unspecified date in the future.他确实没有排除未来某天获得美国直接援助的可能性。

4.(present moment)目前;现在
(so far)到目前为止

'Dottie' is by far his best novel to date.《多蒂》是迄今为止他创作的最好的一部小说。

To date we have spent £8,000.到目前为止我们已经花了8,000英镑了。

She is without question the craziest person I've met to date.她无疑是迄今为止我见过的最疯狂的人。


He made a date with a girl he met the day before.他同前一天遇到的一个姑娘约好了见面。

She has a dinner date.她有个晚餐约会。

I think we should make a date to go and see Gwendolen soon.我认为我们应该尽快约个时间去看看格温德琳。

to have a date with sb和某人约会

Sorry I can't come: I have a date with Jill.抱歉我不能来了, 我已经和吉尔约好了。


He's my date for tonight.他是我今晚的约会对象。

His date was Marie, the girl from Liverpool.他约的是来自利物浦的姑娘玛丽。

He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show.他骗埃茜说他的约会对象是演出里的一个女孩。

9.=date palm
date² /deɪt/
🄰 vt.
1.+ document, cheque, letter, coin在…上注明日期

You forgot to date the cheque.你忘了在支票上注明日期了。

Once the decision is reached, he can date and sign the sheet.决议一旦达成, 他就可以在这张纸上签署日期和姓名了。

to be dated注明日期

The letter was dated April 24, 1986.这封信写于1986年4月24日。

2.(establish date of)确定…的日期(或年代)

Archaeologists have now dated the tomb.如今考古学家们已经确定了这座墓的年代。

The specialist can date many rocks.这位专家能鉴定出许多岩石的年代。

3.<美,加拿大,非正式>(be boyfriend or girlfriend of)做某人的男朋友(或女朋友)

For a year I dated the same woman.我曾与同一个女人谈了整整一年的恋爱。

Jenny told them she was dating me.珍妮告诉他们她正在和我谈恋爱。

4.<美,加拿大,非正式>(accompany on date)与(异性朋友)约会
5.(make old-fashioned)使过时
6.(reveal age of)显示出…的年龄

That dress dates her.那条裙子暴露了她的年龄。

It's going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972.现在说起来我就显老了。我到那所学校读书还是在1969至1972年。

🄱 vi.
1.(go out together)与异性约会

They've been dating for three months.他们已经约会3个月了。

In high school, he did not date very much.高中的时候他不怎么约会。

2.(become old-fashioned)变得过时

a colour combination that will never date一个永远不会过时的颜色搭配

This album has hardly dated at all.这张专辑一点儿也没有过时。

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