

单词 curb
释义 curb¹ /kɜːb/ vt.
1.(control)+ inflation抑制;+ expenditure控制;+ powers约束;+ abuse, crime阻止;+ feeling, instinct克制

The government must curb public expenditure if it wishes to return the country to economic health.政府如果希望国家的经济恢复健康运作, 就必须控制公共开支。

Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia.俄国需要抑制通货膨胀。

proposals to curb the powers of the Home Secretary限制内政大臣权力的提案

They are not taking enough action to curb drug abuse and crime.他们现在并没有采取足够的措施打击吸毒和犯罪行为。

Smuggling will not be curbed while the domestic price of cigarettes remains so high.在国内香烟价格一直居高不下的情况下, 走私将无法得到控制。

She managed to curb her reporter's instincts and ask no questions.她克制住了自己的记者本能, 没提任何问题。

He curbed his temper with difficulty.他费力地压住怒气。

The former party animal has curbed her hedonistic ways.她以前是派对动物, 现在已经收敛了这种享乐主义的行为。

to curb your enthusiasm抑制热情

She saw the blank look on their faces and curbed her enthusiasm.看到他们茫然的表情, 她克制住了自己的热情。

curb your tongue管住自己的舌头(不随便讲话)

He will have no future in the diplomatic service if he cannot curb his tongue.他如果管不住自己的嘴巴, 在外交部门将会毫无前途。

to curb the spread of sth控制某物的蔓延;遏制某物的传播

advertisements aimed at curbing the spread of Aids旨在控制艾滋病传播的广告

2.+ horse勒住(马)

Father Roubert curbed his horse some twenty paces from Thomas.罗伯特神父在离托马斯大约二十步的地方勒住了马。

curb² /kɜːb/ n.
a curb on sth对某物的控制;对某物的抑制

This requires a curb on public spending.这需要控制公共支出。

He called for much stricter curbs on immigration.他呼吁对移民采取更加严格的限制措施。

4.【马术】(chain or strap)勒马索;勒马带
5.【兽医】(swelling on horse's leg)飞节肿大;后足硬瘤
6.【建】(enclosing frame)围栏;井栏




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