

单词 ahead of
释义 ahead of /əˈhed əv/ prep.
1.(in front of)(位置)在…前面

I saw a man ahead of me.我看到前面有个男人。

She walked ahead of Helen up the steps into the hotel.她走在海伦前面上了台阶, 进了旅馆。

right ahead of sb就在某人前面
2.(indicating the future)将要发生(或降临)在…身上

We have a very busy day ahead of us.今天我们将迎来非常忙碌的一天。

problems, challenges +摆在某人面前;将要考验某人

I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead of me.我试图考虑一下摆在我面前的所有难题。

3.+ competitor, opponent领先于

Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of the Frenchman.米拉领先法国选手1分35秒完成比赛。

to be ahead of sb领先某人
to get ahead of sb超过某人
4.(in advance of)(时间)在…之前

The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today's meeting.首相在今天的会议召开之前发表讲话。

ahead of schedule提前
ahead of time预先
5.(indicating greater progress)优于;比…出色

Henry generally stayed ahead of the class in maths.亨利的数学成绩通常比班里的其他同学好。

Other countries are ahead of us in computer technology.其他国家在计算机技术上面领先于我们。





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