

单词 crusade
释义 crusade¹ /kruːˈseɪd/ n.
1.【史】(holy war)(旧时为宗教事业而发动的)圣战
2.(campaign)(坚定的)努力, 奋斗, 运动

He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.他积极投入到禁毒运动中。

He made it his crusade to teach children to love books.他把教孩子们热爱读书当做自己的使命。

a crusade for sth支持···的运动
a crusade against sth反对···的运动

Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces.足球运动员们针对看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。

crusade² /kruːˈseɪd/ vi.
1.to crusade for sth

We must crusade for better communication.我们必须为实现更好的沟通而坚持不懈地努力。

to crusade against sb/sth为反对···而坚持不懈地奋斗

a newspaper that has crusaded against the country's cocaine traffickers坚决抨击该国可卡因毒贩的报纸

2.【史】soldier +参加十字军东征




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