

单词 counsel
释义 counsel¹ /ˈkaʊnsəl/ n.

He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.他总能从她那里得到明智的建议。

His parishioners sought his counsel and loved him.教区居民征询他的建议并且爱戴着他。


Singleton's counsel said after the trial that he would appeal.审判结束后, 辛格尔顿的律师表示他将会上诉。

The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.被告辩护律师强烈建议法官应该休庭。

the advice of counsel律师的建议;法律建议

You should take the advice of counsel.你应当采纳律师的建议。

to appoint counsel指定律师

He has not appointed counsel to represent him, but will address the court.他没有指定律师来代表他, 但是他会在法庭上发言。

counsel for the defence被告的辩护律师
counsel for the prosecution控方律师
3.【宗】(virtue)劝诫, 福音劝谕(指贫穷、贞洁和服从三美德之一)
a counsel of perfection理想但不切实际的劝告

This, however, is a counsel of perfection for most people.然而对于大多数人来说, 这是理想而不切实际的劝告。

to keep your own counsel<正式>不泄露自己的意见(或意图)

Guscott rarely speaks out, preferring to keep his own counsel.古斯科特很少畅所欲言, 他更喜欢把想法埋在心里。

to take counsel with sb<正式>与某人商讨

First, he took counsel with his family.首先, 他和家人商议。

counsel² /ˈkaʊnsəl/(counsels,counseling,counseledorcounsels,counselling,counselled)
🄰 vt.
1.(give advice to)+ person劝告;给…提供忠告(或建议)

Part of her work is to counsel families when problems arise.她的部分工作是给出现问题的家庭提供指导。

a psychologist who counsels people with eating disorders为饮食失调者提供指导的心理学家

to counsel sb to do sth劝告某人做某事

They counselled savers not to sell shares.他们劝告储户不要出售股份。

My advisers counselled me to do nothing.我的顾问劝告我什么都别做。


The Prime Minister counselled caution.首相建议保持谨慎。

🄱 vi.
to counsel against sth建议拒绝

Britain had not counselled against travelling to the country.英国并没有建议不要前往该国。





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