

单词 copy
释义 copy¹ /ˈkɒpɪ/ n.( 复copies)

Send a copy of your driving licence.请寄来一份你的驾照复印件。

The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve's resignation letter.这个记者显然拿到了一份史蒂夫的辞职信复印件。

2.(reproduction)+of model, product, design复制品;仿造品
copies of French couture designs法国定制时装设计的仿制品
3.+of article, book, record一篇;+of book一册;+of record一张

Sixty thousand copies of the record were sold.已经售出六万张唱片。

4.(material; for printing)题材;素材
journalists looking for good copy寻找好的新闻素材的记者们
story +成为不错的素材

That story will make good copy.那个故事将是个不错的新闻题材。

See alsofair copy
5.(in books, newspapers)文本;文稿

his ability to write the most lyrical copy in the history of sports television他撰写体育电视史上最抒情稿件的能力

6.(in advertisements)广告文案
advertising copy广告文案
copy² /ˈkɒpɪ/(copies,copying,copied)
🄰 vt.
1.(copy down)+ words抄写;摘抄

Barbara had written a comment she had copied from one of his notes.芭芭拉写了一篇从他的一份笔记中摘抄出来的评论。

to copy sth from sth从…中抄写…

He copied the chart from a book.他从一本书中摘抄了这个图表。

2.(imitate)+ behaviour, design, gesture, person, product效仿;模仿

Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire.人们发现孩子们会模仿他们所崇拜的人的行为。

Mum, Sylvia's copying me!妈妈, 西尔维娅在学我!

top designers, whose work has been widely copied作品被广泛模仿的顶级设计师

3.(make a copy)临摹;仿制;复制;拷贝

It is illegal to copy CDs.复制光盘是非法的。

🄱 vi.
1.candidate, pupil +抄袭

The teacher accused him of copying.老师指责他抄袭。

2.(do something in same way)仿效;模仿

Children learn by copying.孩子们通过模仿学习。

3.(write information)抄写;摘抄
to copy from sth从…上抄写

We're copying from textbooks because we don't have enough to go round.我们正在抄写课本, 因为我们没有足够多的课本分给每个人。

Phrasal Verbscopy in,copy out




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