

单词 dealer
释义 dealer /ˈdiːlə/缩写为dlr n.

an antique dealer古董商

Art dealers routinely swindle one another.艺术品商人总是相互欺骗。

a dealer in sth经营…的商人

dealers in commodities and financial securities经营商品和金融证券的商人

the country's top dealer in sports memorabilia全国最大的体育纪念品商

2.(drug dealer)毒贩

They will clear every dealer from the streets.他们要清除街头所有的毒贩。

Like many users she had graduated to becoming a dealer.像许多吸毒者一样, 她渐渐沦为毒贩。

3.【牌】(in card game)发牌人

He worked at the casino as a card dealer.他在一家赌场当发牌员。

The person on the dealer's right plays first.发牌员右边的人先出牌。





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