

单词 conviction
释义 conviction /kənˈvɪkʃən/ n.
1.+of defendant判罪;有罪判决;获罪

He had a long record of previous convictions.他有前科, 犯罪记录很长。

He will appeal against his conviction.他将对他的有罪判决提起上诉。

The man was known to the police because of previous convictions.警察认识这个人, 因为他有前科。


the clarity and strength of Ernest's convictions欧内斯特鲜明而坚定的主张

It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。

Their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.他们的宗教信仰不允许他们拿起武器。

3.(state of being convinced)确信无疑;深信
with conviction深信地;坚信地

'We shall, sir,' said Thorne, with conviction.“我们一定会的, 长官。”索恩坚定地回答道。

4.to carry conviction有说服力;令人信服

Nor did his denial carry conviction.他的否认也一点都不能使人信服。





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