

单词 contrary
释义 contrary¹ /ˈkɒntrərɪ/ adj.
1.(opposed)+ idea, view相反的;对立的

Several of those present, including Weinberger, had contrary information.包括温伯格在内的好几位在场人士给出了相反的消息。

It is still a useful exercise to set such contrary ideas side by side.把这些相反的想法列出来还是有帮助的。

contrary to sb/sth与某人/某事物相反的

This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.出于很多原因, 这个观点与社会批评研究的目的是相反的。

2.(adverse)+ wind逆向的;不利的

Contrary winds had stopped him sailing.逆风让他没法继续航行。

3.【植】(at right angles)(植物部位)成直角的
4.【逻】(mutually exclusive)(一对命题)对立的, 相反的
contrary² /ˈkɒntrərɪ/ adj.
+ person故意作对的;倔强任性的

Put your mind to anything and everything except your contrary child.别管你那乖张倔强的孩子了, 专心做点别的事情。

contrary³ /ˈkɒntrərɪ/ n.( 复contraries)
1.(exact opposite)相反;相反的事物

Her views on the matter were the contrary of what I'd expected.她对这件事情的看法跟我预期的恰好相反。

What is the contrary of 'neuralgia'? Who will undertake to define it?与“神经痛”正相反的是什么?谁来解释一下?

2.(either of two opposites)对立的一方;对立面

The contrary of a weeping eye is an eye abnormally dry.与流泪的眼睛相对的是干涩的眼睛。

3.【逻】(exclusive statement)反命题
4.to the contrary意思相反的(地)

Despite repeated assurances to the contrary, Pakistan has not ended its nuclear programme.尽管不断作出保证, 但事实上巴基斯坦并没有终止核计划。

5.on the contrary
(used to reject one's own previous statement)(与所说的)正相反

It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.这个提议不能使社区团团结起来, 正相反, 我认为会起到分裂的作用。

(disagreeing with the previous speaker)相反;反之

People just don't do things like that.—On the contrary, they do them all the time.人们不会做那样的事情。——正相反, 大家一直在做。

You'll get tired of it.—On the contrary. I shall enjoy it.你会对它厌倦的。——恰恰相反, 我会很喜欢它的。

6.quite the contrary恰恰相反

I'm not a feminist, quite the contrary.恰恰相反, 我不是女权主义者。

Are there any signs that he may quit soon?—Quite the contrary.有什么迹象表明他可能会很快退出吗?——正相反, 没有。

contrary⁴ /ˈkɒntrərɪ/ adv.
contrary to sth与…相反

Contrary to what you might think, neither man was offended.跟你想的正相反, 双方都没有被触怒。

contrary to popular belief与普遍的看法相反

Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.与普遍的看法相反, 适量的运动实际上会降低食欲。





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