

单词 continue
释义 continue /kənˈtɪnjuː/(continues,continuing,continued)
🄰 vi.

He had hoped to continue as a full-time career officer.他希望继续做一名全职的职业军官。

For ten days I continued in this state.十天来我一直是这个状态。

I hope to continue in my present job.我希望能继续我现在的工作。

2.(keep happening)investigation, conflict +持续;不间断发生

But as the investigation continued, the plot began to thicken.随着调查的继续, 情况越来越不明朗了。

If the strike continues, then violence is inevitable.要是罢工继续下去, 那么暴力事件是不可避免的了。

to continue to do sth持续做某事

The sun continued to shine throughout the tournament.锦标赛期间阳光一直很灿烂。

His condition continued to deteriorate.他的情况持续恶化。

Interest rates continue to fall.利率持续下调。

3.(restart)activity, event +重新开始;继续

The next day the performance continued.第二天演出继续进行。

He denies 18 charges. The trial continues today.他否认了18项指控。今天重新开始庭审。

to continue with sth继续做某事

I went up to my room to continue with my packing.我去自己房间继续打包。

4.(keep doing something)连续不断;持续
to continue with sth持续做某事

There is no reason you should not continue with any sport or activity you already enjoy.你没有理由停止参加自己已经喜欢上的运动或活动。

to continue to do sth继续做某事

I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone.我希望我离开后, 他们能够继续为司法平等而斗争。

5.speaker +继续说;说下去

Tony drank some coffee before he continued.托尼喝了点咖啡, 然后接着说。

Please continue.请继续说。

6.(in a particular direction)(沿某一方向)坚持走下去, 延伸下去

He continued rapidly up the path.他匆匆沿着这条路走。

The main road continues towards the town.大路一直延伸到镇里。

🄱 vt.
1.(go on with)使继续;坚持

What the government is doing is continuing that assault.政府的做法是继续袭击。

He shook his head helplessly and continued the climb.他无助地摇了摇头, 然后继续向上爬。

to continue doing sth继续做某事

They are determined to continue working when they reach retirement age.他们决定到了退休年龄后继续工作。

She continued talking to her friend.她继续跟朋友聊天。

2.(resume something)使重新开始;继续

They want to continue their education.他们希望能够继续接受教育。

He plans to continue his excavation work.他计划继续自己的挖掘工作。

At the end of the chapter we continue the case introduced at the outset.在本章的结束部分, 我们继续讨论一开始提出的案例。

3.【律】(postpone a case)使(诉讼)延期

She asked the judge to continue the case to allow further discussions.她向法官申请延期审理该案件, 以便进行深入的讨论。

4.to be continued未完待续




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